GOG.com - Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon
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InformationThis installer has been approved by the team. InformationsPlatforms: Feedbacks0 0 DescriptionEnglish: Third adventure of Nico Collard and George Stobbart. 3D has replaced the point-and-click interface, but the famous quality of the story didn't change!
Source code#!/bin/bash # Date : (2012-02-03 21-27) # Last revision : (2014-02-23 21-21) # Wine version used : 1.4.1, 1.6.2 # Distribution used to test : Debian Sid (Unstable) # Author : Pierre Etchemaite pe-pol@concept-micro.com # Script licence : GPL v.2 # Program licence : Retail # Depend : [ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" GOGID="broken_sword_3__the_sleeping_dragon" PREFIX="BrokenSword3_gog" WORKING_WINE_VERSION="1.6.2" TITLE="GOG.com - Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon" SHORTCUT_NAME="Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping Dragon" POL_SetupWindow_Init POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1102 POL_Debug_Init POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Revolution Software" "http://www.gog.com/gamecard/$GOGID" "Pierre Etchemaite" "$PREFIX" POL_Call POL_GoG_setup "$GOGID" "afcbb7158f1d1ca1ffd43659680fc00a" POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX" POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" POL_Call POL_GoG_install "/nogui" # GoG work! Set_OS winxp POL_SetupWindow_VMS "64" # http://www.gog.com/forum/broken_sword_the_smoking_mirror/broken_sword_the_sleeping_dragon_freezes_on_startup #cat <<'_EOFINI_' > "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/refresh60hz.reg" #REGEDIT4 # #[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\DirectDraw] #"ForceRefreshRate"=dword:0000003c #_EOFINI_ #POL_Wine regedit "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/refresh60hz.reg" #rm "$POL_USER_ROOT/tmp/refresh60hz.reg" # Doesn't hurt ;) POL_Wine_reboot POL_Shortcut "BSTSD.exe" "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$SHORTCUT_NAME.png" "" "Game;AdventureGame;" POL_Shortcut_Document "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/GOG Games/Broken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon/Manual.pdf" POL_SetupWindow_Close cat <<_EOF_ > "$POL_USER_ROOT/configurations/configurators/$SHORTCUT_NAME" #!/bin/bash [ -z "\$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0 source "\$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" export WINEPREFIX="\$POL_USER_ROOT/wineprefix/$PREFIX" export WINEDEBUG="-all" POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES cd "\$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/GOG Games/Broken Sword - The Sleeping Dragon/" || exit 1 TITLE="$TITLE" POL_Wine BSTSD.exe -safevideomode exit 0 _EOF_ exit 0 |
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