El Foro

Runaway 2 : The Dream of the Turtle

Autor Respuestas
Berillions Thursday 31 December 2009 at 11:41

Game Icon :

Script :

# Date: 2009-12-31
# Distribution used to test: Debian Sid
# Wine version used: 1.1.21
# Author: Berillions
#Vérifier que PlayOnLinux est bien exécuté avant
[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0 
#Charger les librairies
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
Title="Runaway 2 : The Dream of the Turtle"
if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then
LNG_WAIT_END="Appuyez sur \\"Suivant\\" UNIQUEMENT quand l'installation du jeu sera
terminée sous peine de devoir recommencer l'installation."
LNG_WAIT_END="Click on \\"Next\\" ONLY when the game installation
is finished or you will have to redo the installation.."

rm *.jpg
wget http://img.jeuxactu.com/datas/images/jeux/Runaway_2__The_Dream_of_a_Turtle/packaging/xl/1161387788-2.jpg --output-document="$REPERTOIRE/tmp/$Title.jpg"
convert "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/$Title.jpg" -scale 150x356\\! "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpg"
POL_SetupWindow_Init "" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpg" 
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$Title" "Pendulo Studios" "http://www.runaway-lejeu.com/" "Berillions" "$Prefix"
#Installation de Wine
POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "1.1.35"

#Utilisation de Wine
Use_WineVersion "1.1.35"
#Détection du cd-rom
POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "Setup.exe" 

#Préparation de Wine
select_prefix "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$Prefix"

#fetching PROGRAMFILES environmental variable
PROGRAMFILES=`wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"`

#Taille de la mémoire graphique
POL_SetupWindow_menu_list "Your Memory Graphic" "$Title" "32 64 128 256 384 512 768 896 1024 2048" " "
#Réglage DirectDrawRenderer
cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp"
echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\\\Software\\\\Wine\\\\Direct3D]" > OGL.reg
echo "\\"VideoMemorySize\\"=\\"$VMS\\"" >> OGL.reg
regedit OGL.reg
#Configuration de Wine
Set_OS winxp

POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing ..." "$Title"
wine "$CDROM/Setup.exe"

POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_WAIT_END" "$Title"

#Création Icone
convert "$HOME/.local/share/icons/*_runaway2.0.xpm" -geometry 32x32 "$REPERTOIRE/icones/32/$Title"
#Création Launcher 
POL_SetupWindow_make_shortcut "$Prefix" "$PROGRAMFILES/PENDULO Studios/RUNAWAY 2 - The dream of the turtle" "Runaway2.exe" "" "$Title"
Set_WineVersion_Assign "1.1.35" "$Title"


Editado por: Berillions

NSLW Thursday 31 December 2009 at 12:56

Hello Berillions,
I bet you compiled ddraw.dll.so on Debian Sid. I don't know on how may distros it'll be working but I do know that if you compile ddraw.dll.so on Debian Etch (all POL's Wine are compiled on that distro ) it'll be working on all distros that POL is available on.

I think the rest script is good written. I see no errors.
Berillions Thursday 31 December 2009 at 15:07

To compile ddraw.ddl.so, i patched wine and like in Wine README, i use this command :

make depend & make

I will try in my second PC with Frugalware. :)

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