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Please mention framerates!

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krick Dinsdag 2 Januari 2024 om 9:00

Mac gaming is behind windows gaming, I get it, but there's no reason to avoid using technical language when talking about the performance of games.

If someone asks "how does x game run on y configuration", the answer should never be "very good, smooth" or some vague term like that. Please be explicit with how you are running the game (native, parallels, crossover, etc.), the resolution you are running it at, the settings you use, and the framerate you are getting!

By the way, 4k60fps at 60% resolution scaling is not 4k60fps https://tutuapp.uno/ .

I have just seen too many people giving horrible advice, saying they can run intensive games like Baldurs Gate 3 "smoothly" on M1 Macbook Air 8gb.

If we want gaming on Mac to be taken seriously, we have to start taking it seriously ourselves, and that means talking about games in objective and meaningful ways.

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