Jesteś tutaj - Gothic


Creator Wiadmości


This installer has been approved by the team.


Downloads: 24352
Wine: System



English: A very immersive cRPG, beside the aged graphics and the unusual keyboard controls.
Known issues:
- A small zone on top of display may not refreshed, usually displaying the game title bar. It seems to only happen for resolutions up to 1024x768.
- Not an issue, but often misunderstood: when changing resolution in settings, press Enter to make it effective.
(updated for GOG installer v2)

Français : Un cRPG très immersif, malgré des graphismes dépassés et des contrôles au clavier inhabituels.
Problèmes connus:
- Une petite zone en haut de l'affichage n'est pas mis à jour, et montre en général la barre de titre du jeu. Il semble que cela n'affecte que les résolutions jusqu'à 1024x768.
- Pas vraiment un problème, mais souvent mal compris : quand on change la résolution dans les paramètres, il faut appuyer sur Entrée pour que cela prenne effet.
(mis à jour pour l'installeur GOG v2)




Source code

# Date : (2012-06-24 10-39)
# Last revision : (2014-02-01 15-06)
# Wine version used : 1.4.1, 1.6.2
# Distribution used to test : Debian Sid (Unstable)
# Author : Pierre Etchemaite
# Script licence : GPL v.2
# Program licence : Retail
# Depend :
# [Pierre Etchemaite] (2012-06-24 10-39)
#   First script. 
# [?]  (2014-02-01 15-06)
#   ?
# [Dadu042] (2020-04-30)
#   Wine 1.6.2 -> system (Wine is at least v3.0 noawadays)

[ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"


TITLE=" - Gothic"

POL_GetSetupImages "$PREFIX/top.jpg" "$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1275

POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Piranha Bytes" "$GOGID" "Pierre Etchemaite" "$PREFIX"

POL_Call POL_GoG_setup "$GOGID" --alternate "setup_${GOGID}" "1" "84956950be0a34838fc1d992691c15bc"

POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"

# fake sdbinst.exe (bug report #2550)
POL_Call POL_Install_nop "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/sdbinst.exe"

POL_Call POL_GoG_install

# GoG work!
Set_OS winxp

POL_SetupWindow_VMS "32"

POL_Call POL_Install_directmusic
# vdfs32e.exe often crashes, couldn't find a solution
#POL_Call POL_Install_DisableCrashDialog

# Doesn't hurt ;)

# extendedMenu allows to set resolution ingame
# tip from
cat <<_EOFFUNC_ > "$GOGROOT/Gothic/gothic_funcs"

# echo statements to set \$zVidResFullscreenX, \$zVidResFullscreenY and \$zVidResFullscreenBPP
read_g_settings () {
  [ -z "\$WINEPREFIX" ] && POL_Debug_Fatal 'read_g_settings: \$WINEPREFIX must be set'
  perl -ne 'print "\$1\n" if /^((zVidResFullscreenX|zVidResFullscreenY|zVidResFullscreenBPP)=\d+)/' "$GOGROOT/Gothic/system/GOTHIC.INI"

# update GOTHIC.INI with value of \$zVidResFullscreenX, \$zVidResFullscreenY and \$zVidResFullscreenBPP
write_g_settings () {
  [ -z "\$WINEPREFIX" ] && POL_Debug_Fatal 'write_g_settings: \$WINEPREFIX must be set'
  perl -i.bak -pe 's/^zVidResFullscreenX=\d+/zVidResFullscreenX='"\$zVidResFullscreenX"'/;
                   s/^extendedMenu=\d+/extendedMenu=1/;' "$GOGROOT/Gothic/system/GOTHIC.INI"

# until POL_LoadVar_ScreenResolution does it?
LoadVar_ScreenDepth () {
  export ScreenBpp=\$(xdpyinfo |perl -ne 'print \$1 if /^bitmap unit, bit order, padding:\s*(\d+)/')
  POL_Debug_Message "Screen depth: \$ScreenBpp"

sync_resolutions () {
  eval \$(read_g_settings)
  [ "\$zVidResFullscreenBPP" != "\$ScreenBpp" ] && zVidResFullscreenBPP="\$ScreenBpp" write_g_settings
  Set_Desktop "On" "\$zVidResFullscreenX" "\$zVidResFullscreenY"


POL_Shortcut "GOTHIC.EXE" "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$SHORTCUT_NAME.png" "" "Game;RolePlaying;"
# Using $WINEPREFIX here causes trouble, bug #953
POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT_NAME" 'source "../gothic_funcs" || exit 0'
POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT_NAME" 'sync_resolutions'

POL_Shortcut_Document "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$GOGROOT/Gothic/manual.pdf"
# C:\GOG Games\Gothic\Readme.htm


exit 0



Member Wiadmości
Dadu042 Thursday 30 April 2020 at 11:18


This update has been approved by the team.


@@ -7,13 +7,20 @@
 # Script licence : GPL v.2
 # Program licence : Retail
 # Depend :
+# [Pierre Etchemaite] (2012-06-24 10-39)
+#   First script. 
+# [?]  (2014-02-01 15-06)
+#   ?
+# [Dadu042] (2020-04-30)
+#   Wine 1.6.2 -> system (Wine is at least v3.0 noawadays)
 [ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0
 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
 TITLE=" - Gothic"
@@ -29,7 +36,7 @@
 POL_Call POL_GoG_setup "$GOGID" --alternate "setup_${GOGID}" "1" "84956950be0a34838fc1d992691c15bc"
 POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
 # fake sdbinst.exe (bug report #2550)
 POL_Call POL_Install_nop "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/sdbinst.exe"

New source code

# Date : (2012-06-24 10-39)
# Last revision : (2014-02-01 15-06)
# Wine version used : 1.4.1, 1.6.2
# Distribution used to test : Debian Sid (Unstable)
# Author : Pierre Etchemaite
# Script licence : GPL v.2
# Program licence : Retail
# Depend :
# [Pierre Etchemaite] (2012-06-24 10-39)
#   First script. 
# [?]  (2014-02-01 15-06)
#   ?
# [Dadu042] (2020-04-30)
#   Wine 1.6.2 -> system (Wine is at least v3.0 noawadays)

[ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"


TITLE=" - Gothic"

POL_GetSetupImages "$PREFIX/top.jpg" "$PREFIX/left.jpg" "$TITLE"

POL_SetupWindow_SetID 1275

POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Piranha Bytes" "$GOGID" "Pierre Etchemaite" "$PREFIX"

POL_Call POL_GoG_setup "$GOGID" --alternate "setup_${GOGID}" "1" "84956950be0a34838fc1d992691c15bc"

POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"

# fake sdbinst.exe (bug report #2550)
POL_Call POL_Install_nop "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/system32/sdbinst.exe"

POL_Call POL_GoG_install

# GoG work!
Set_OS winxp

POL_SetupWindow_VMS "32"

POL_Call POL_Install_directmusic
# vdfs32e.exe often crashes, couldn't find a solution
#POL_Call POL_Install_DisableCrashDialog

# Doesn't hurt ;)

# extendedMenu allows to set resolution ingame
# tip from
cat <<_EOFFUNC_ > "$GOGROOT/Gothic/gothic_funcs"

# echo statements to set \$zVidResFullscreenX, \$zVidResFullscreenY and \$zVidResFullscreenBPP
read_g_settings () {
  [ -z "\$WINEPREFIX" ] && POL_Debug_Fatal 'read_g_settings: \$WINEPREFIX must be set'
  perl -ne 'print "\$1\n" if /^((zVidResFullscreenX|zVidResFullscreenY|zVidResFullscreenBPP)=\d+)/' "$GOGROOT/Gothic/system/GOTHIC.INI"

# update GOTHIC.INI with value of \$zVidResFullscreenX, \$zVidResFullscreenY and \$zVidResFullscreenBPP
write_g_settings () {
  [ -z "\$WINEPREFIX" ] && POL_Debug_Fatal 'write_g_settings: \$WINEPREFIX must be set'
  perl -i.bak -pe 's/^zVidResFullscreenX=\d+/zVidResFullscreenX='"\$zVidResFullscreenX"'/;
                   s/^extendedMenu=\d+/extendedMenu=1/;' "$GOGROOT/Gothic/system/GOTHIC.INI"

# until POL_LoadVar_ScreenResolution does it?
LoadVar_ScreenDepth () {
  export ScreenBpp=\$(xdpyinfo |perl -ne 'print \$1 if /^bitmap unit, bit order, padding:\s*(\d+)/')
  POL_Debug_Message "Screen depth: \$ScreenBpp"

sync_resolutions () {
  eval \$(read_g_settings)
  [ "\$zVidResFullscreenBPP" != "\$ScreenBpp" ] && zVidResFullscreenBPP="\$ScreenBpp" write_g_settings
  Set_Desktop "On" "\$zVidResFullscreenX" "\$zVidResFullscreenY"


POL_Shortcut "GOTHIC.EXE" "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$SHORTCUT_NAME.png" "" "Game;RolePlaying;"
# Using $WINEPREFIX here causes trouble, bug #953
POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT_NAME" 'source "../gothic_funcs" || exit 0'
POL_Shortcut_InsertBeforeWine "$SHORTCUT_NAME" 'sync_resolutions'

POL_Shortcut_Document "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$GOGROOT/Gothic/manual.pdf"
# C:\GOG Games\Gothic\Readme.htm


exit 0


sturm20 Wednesday 31 August 2016 at 22:10
sturm20 Anonymous


Ubuntu 16.04LTS .  Install OK, run KO. See log below.


err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
err:ole:CoInitializeEx Attempt to change threading model of this apartment from multi-threaded to apartment threaded
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
ALSA lib conf.c:3357:(snd_config_hooks_call) Cannot open shared library
ALSA lib pcm.c:2266:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default
ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave
err:ole:marshal_object object doesn't expose interface {be6115a1-7de5-48dc-ad2a-25060e00fce2}, failing with error 0x80004002
err:ole:ClientIdentity_QueryMultipleInterfaces IRemUnknown_RemQueryInterface failed with error 0x80004002
[08/31/16 22:07:18] - ----- Ending function POL_GoG_install -----
[08/31/16 22:07:18] - Running wine-1.6.2 regedit /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/31/16 22:07:18] - Content of /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[08/31/16 22:07:18] - Running wine-1.6.2 regedit /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/31/16 22:07:18] - Content of /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/regkey.reg

[08/31/16 22:07:19] - ----- Starting function POL_Install_directmusic -----
[08/31/16 22:07:23] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 devenum.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL devenum.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:24] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmband.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmband.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:24] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmcompos.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmcompos.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:24] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmime.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmime.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:24] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmloader.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmloader.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:24] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmscript.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmscript.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:25] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmstyle.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmstyle.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:25] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmsynth.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmsynth.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:25] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dmusic.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dmusic.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:25] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 dswave.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL dswave.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:25] - Running wine-1.6.2 regsvr32 quartz.dll (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
Successfully registered DLL quartz.dll
[08/31/16 22:07:25] - ----- Starting function POL_Function_OverrideDLL -----
[08/31/16 22:07:26] - Running wine-1.6.2 regedit /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/tmp)
[08/31/16 22:07:26] - Content of /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux//tmp/override-dll.reg

[08/31/16 22:07:26] - ----- Ending function POL_Function_OverrideDLL -----
[08/31/16 22:07:26] - ----- Ending function POL_Install_directmusic -----
[08/31/16 22:07:26] - Running wine-1.6.2 wineboot (Working directory : /home/utente/.PlayOnLinux/ressources)
[08/31/16 22:07:26] - Running wine-1.6.2 winepath -u C:\\users\\utente\\Scrivania (Working directory : /home/utente/.local/share/applications)



Thursday 1 September 2016 at 11:26
More: if I use the custom way with Wine-1.9.13 (not HQ) the game is well installed and runnable. Actually playable, but if I push a lot of buttons in few seconds, game crashes. It is not nice,but at least the game is playable.