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Need For Speed Underground Patch 4.16
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InformationThis installer has been approved by the team. InformationsPlatforms: Feedbacks0 0 DescriptionPatch 4.16 for Need For Speed Underground. Source code#!/bin/bash # Date : (2010-27-11 21-00) # Last revision : (2010-27-11 21-00) # Wine version used : 1.3.1 # Distribution used to test : Debian Squeeze (Testing) # Author : GNU_Raziel # Licence : Retail [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" TITLE="Need For Speed Underground" PREFIX="NFSUnderground" WORKING_WINE_VERSION="1.3.1" if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then LNG_GAME_UPDATE_WELCOME="Bienvenue dans le script d'installation du patch 4.16 pour $TITLE" LNG_PATCH_METHOD="Choisissez votre méthode de patch" LNG_HAVE_PATCH="Patcher le jeu depuis un fichier local" LNG_DL_PATCH="Télécharger le dernier patch puis l'utiliser" LNG_LOCAL_PATCH="Selectionnez le patch à executer" LNG_DL_PATCH_VERSION="Quelle version possèdez-vous ?" LNG_DL_PATCH_EU="Européenne" LNG_DL_PATCH_US="Américaine" LNG_DL_PATCH_KOR="Coréenne" LNG_DL_PATCH_CH="Chinoise" LNG_GAME_UPDATE_DL="Patientez pendant le téléchargement du patch...\nCette opération peut prendre quelques minutes selon la vitesse de votre connexion." LNG_GAME_UPDATE_FINISHED="Le patch a été correctement installé" else LNG_GAME_UPDATE_WELCOME="Welcome in the patch 4.16 Installation script for $TITLE" LNG_PATCH_METHOD="Choose your patch method" LNG_HAVE_PATCH="Patch from local file" LNG_DL_PATCH="Download then use last patch" LNG_LOCAL_PATCH="Select patch to execute" LNG_DL_PATCH_VERSION="Witch version do you have ?" LNG_DL_PATCH_EU="European" LNG_DL_PATCH_US="US" LNG_DL_PATCH_KOR="Korean" LNG_DL_PATCH_CH="Chinese" LNG_GAME_UPDATE_DL="Wait while the patch is downloading...\nThis operation can take time, depending of you connexion." LNG_GAME_UPDATE_FINISHED="Patch installed successfully" fi #starting the script rm "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/*.jpg" POL_SetupWindow_Init POL_SetupWindow_free_presentation "$TITLE" "$LNG_GAME_UPDATE_WELCOME" POL_SetupWindow_checkexist() { if [ ! -e $REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$1 ]; then if [ "$POL_LANG" == "fr" ]; then LNG_PREFIX_NOT_EXIST="Le jeu n'est pas installé." else LNG_PREFIX_NOT_EXIST="Game is not installed." fi POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_PREFIX_NOT_EXIST" "$TITLE" POL_SetupWindow_Close exit fi } POL_SetupWindow_checkexist "$PREFIX" select_prefixe "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$PREFIX" #Using specific Wine Use_WineVersion "$WORKING_WINE_VERSION" #fetching PROGRAMFILES environmental variable POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES #asking about patch local or not cd $HOME POL_SetupWindow_menu "$LNG_PATCH_METHOD" "$TITLE" "$LNG_HAVE_PATCH~$LNG_DL_PATCH" "~" if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "$LNG_HAVE_PATCH" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_browse "$LNG_LOCAL_PATCH" "$TITLE" "" wine "$APP_ANSWER" else POL_SetupWindow_menu "$LNG_DL_PATCH_VERSION" "$TITLE" "$LNG_DL_PATCH_EU~$LNG_DL_PATCH_US~$LNG_DL_PATCH_KOR~$LNG_DL_PATCH_CH" "~" SELECTED_VERSION="$APP_ANSWER" cd $REPERTOIRE/tmp if [ "$SELECTED_VERSION" == "$LNG_DL_PATCH_EU" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_download "$LNG_GAME_UPDATE_DL" "$TITLE" "" wine start /unix "NFSU_EUROPE_PATCH_4.exe" rm "NFSU_EUROPE_PATCH_4.exe" elif [ "$SELECTED_VERSION" == "$LNG_DL_PATCH_KOR" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_download "$LNG_GAME_UPDATE_DL" "$TITLE" "" wine start /unix "NFSU_KOREA_PATCH_4.exe" rm "NFSU_KOREA_PATCH_4.exe" elif [ "$SELECTED_VERSION" == "$LNG_DL_PATCH_CH" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_download "$LNG_GAME_UPDATE_DL" "$TITLE" "" wine start /unix "NFSU_CHINESE_PATCH_4.exe" rm "NFSU_CHINESE_PATCH_4.exe" else POL_SetupWindow_download "$LNG_GAME_UPDATE_DL" "$TITLE" "" wine start /unix "NFSU_US_PATCH_4.exe" rm "NFSU_US_PATCH_4.exe" fi fi POL_SetupWindow_message "$LNG_GAME_UPDATE_FINISHED" "$TITLE" POL_SetupWindow_Close exit |
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