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PlayOnLinux 2.6.1

Monday 28 April 2008 at 23:42

PlayOnLinux have been released some new version of PlayOnLinux without writting news on the English web site, we are sorry

This is not a change log yet, but Tinou is currently writting one.

This is a summary of change since last news.

So since the version 2.2.1 :
In the 2.3 we have rewritten the setup window and some bug were corrected.

2.5 & 2.5.1: it's the first integration of an IRC client in PlayOnLinux
The web navigator lynx is replaced by some lines in python (thanks Diablo150)
Russian translation improved
And ... some bug fixed.

2.6 & 2.6.1: it's a implementation of colourized nickname in IRC, and a reverse change for security. In an other word the 2.6 make a colour of each nickname in IRC and due to a vulnerability this function was removed (nickname with | .
Some novelty in the IRC client (such as date, sound, colour, stability ...)
The option panel has been remade.
PlayOnLinux is pretty easier to configure. You can enable a lot of new settings (such as Offline mode, Default web browser, auto-login into IRC, default pseudo for IRC)
The about box has been remade.

You can download the last package build for your distro on the download page.

Information for Mandriva and Fedora user :
The rpm package for mandriva and fedora was in version 2.5.1 for a least one week, I have break my computer (not serious but I can't currently build package).