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InformationThis installer has been approved by the team. InformationsPlatforms: Feedbacks0 0 DescriptionInstall mfc42 DLL Source code#!/bin/bash # Date : (2011-01-08 21-00) # Last revision : (2013-06-20 21:00) # Author : GNU_Raziel # Only For : http://www.playonlinux.com # Downloading DLL POL_Download_Resource "http://files.playonlinux.com/mfc42_dll.zip" "f5dd68a47a94dd7daff780e262dc4095" POL_Download_Resource "http://files.playonlinux.com/mfc42u_dll.zip" "3ab284635aa5eb0eed2c7c680d77d6c6" # Installing DLL POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "$(eval_gettext 'Installing mfc42 DLLs...')" "$TITLE" cd "$WINEPREFIX"/drive_c/windows/temp unzip "$POL_USER_ROOT"/ressources/mfc42_dll.zip unzip "$POL_USER_ROOT"/ressources/mfc42u_dll.zip if [ "$POL_ARCH" == "amd64" ]; then cp -f mfc42.dll ../syswow64/ cp -f mfc42u.dll ../syswow64/ else cp -f mfc42.dll ../system32/ cp -f mfc42u.dll ../system32/ fi POL_Wine regsvr32 mfc42.dll POL_Wine regsvr32 mfc42u.dll # Overriding dll POL_Call POL_Function_OverrideDLL "native" "mfc42" "mfc42u" |
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