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TeamSpeak looking for GNU/Linux testers

Monday 10 November 2008 at 15:15

The developers of the famous (but proprietary) gamer-targeted voice chat software are currently looking for alpha testers to test their TeamSpeak 3's client version. They're not looking for just any kind of tester but GNU/Linux and Mac OS users!

The third major version of TeamSpeak is in development since 2005. Back in June of this year, they released TeamSpeak 3's SDK and they now focus on versions for Microsoft Windows' alternatives.
So TeamSpeak's developers published a request for "qualified, experienced Linux and Mac users" for their closed alpha test on October, 31, 2008. It's a closed test because you must meet some requirements and it's selective (the conditions and the selection process are explained on the testing application form's page).

If you'd like to see a better TeamSpeak 3 GNU/Linux client than version 2, feel free to apply.

But if you'd rather contribute to a free software project, Mumble should suit you better. It also has low latency, is gamer-targeted and cross-platform.


TeamSpeak 3 closed alpha testing application form

Developers' blog entry requesting GNU/Linux and Mac OS testers

TeamSpeak's official website

Mumble's official website

Mumble's HowTo contribute guide

Source: LinuxGames