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Some troubles with the (new) Wine Version Manager?

Monday 9 February 2009 at 22:11

Yes it's possible.

If you are using a release between 0.9.34 and 1.1.14 you can have some troubles with your cursor (fix in progress).

If you are using a release between 0.9.47 and 1.1.14 you can have some troubles with the X composite extension. (fix in progress).

All package concerned are currently in process of rebuild (for fixing issue), it will be synchronised on the server during the following days (from most recent to older release)

Sorry for the inconvenience,

thanks bahamut.dragoon for the report

Update (2009-02-11): Fixed in all wine 1.1.x. Fix for other release is always in progress

Update (2009-02-13): Fixed in all affected release.