Du bist hier

The Spanish web site is open !

Saturday 2 February 2008 at 20:36

Good evening,

Today, we just crossed a new important step for PlayOnLinux's internationalization: the open up of the Hispanic part of the web site!

After their favorite software (I talk about PlayOnLinux of course ), it is now our web site that Spanish-speaking persons will can use in their native language. So welcome to them.

By the way, we want to thank icaro581 for helping us (very quicly) in realization of this aim.

Staff searched

In order to propose the best possible experience to our Spanish-speaking users, we are looking for motivated volunteers for positions of newser and of moderator.
Here is their work:
- Newser: Should write news about free software and games' current events. Should obviously write perfect Spanish and be ready to propose news at least once a week.

- Moderator: Should keep an eye on what is said and answer or follow up talked about issues. Won't be left alone, there's a team and administrators working together. Should obviously write perfect Spanish and be ready to make the "don't write what your mother wouldn't like to read" rule respected almost everyday. This is a mighty position with the tools provided so previous experience(s) or "active and positive" participation in the POL's forum would be preferred.

Finally, I remind you that we are currently searching persons for the position of moderator but for the English web site.

Feel free to contact us if you're interested in or simply if you want more information.
Spanish staff: Tinou (via private message or via e-mail : tinou<AT>playonlinux.com)
English staff: Ghostofkendo (via private message or via e-mail : lenaindelamoria<AT>gmail.com)