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Tomb Raider(2013) Hang/Crash after login

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kusokid Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 5:42

I'm a linux newb.

System specs:
OS distro: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 2 64bit
CPU: i5 3570K
SSD: PLEXTOR M5S PX-256M5S (Ubuntu is installed here)
HDD: 500GB WD velociraptor
GPU: Asus Radeon 7850
Ram: G.Skill Ripjaws X series 16GB (2x8GB)
PSU: 850w

After trying to manually install the stable and beta wine binaries packs (+ PPA) with no luck getting Tomb Raider to run, I turned to PoL.  I installed playonlinux following these steps:
wget -q "" -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/playonlinux.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install playonlinux

I let it install everything, fonts etc.  And then installed steam using the PoL install option (where it downloaded and updated it for me).  This is where I kinda didnt know what I should've done.  1) Download Tombraider(2013) directly through the PoL game directory, or 2) download it through Steam ran through PoL - that way I knew I would have the copy that I payed for.  Long story short, I went with option 2 and downloaded the game through Steam. 

After it finished downloading, when I went to launch it a Microsoft directX download dialog popped up for a few seconds and then disappeared.  This didn't happen before when I ran it directly through Wine.  Anyway, I run the game through steam and it hangs up/freezes after I click on 'skip' for creating the square/enix account/login prompt.  I get sound effects and everything when I highlight the options ( 'send', and 'skip' )on this prompt.  Selecting 'skip' makes the options disappear as intended, but then the game freezes within 2 seconds immediately after that.  I should note that before, running the game directly through WINE, I could NOT access the 'skip'
 and 'send' options, however they would play a sound effect effect when highlighted. 

Anyone have any ideas of things I could try?  Any help or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by kusokid

kusokid Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 5:56

Here's the log file for TombRaider found in my Home directory:

I googled 'WebService is not ready yet, retry...' and ' [Render] Failed to load ADL!' and got virtually nothing.

Something I found interesting is that even though I have the Tombraider.exe set to run under Windows7, the above error log says it's set to 'OS = Windows Server 2008 R2 (build 7601)'.

Edited by kusokid

GNU_Raziel Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 11:39


install the game using our official PoL installer, it will download and allow you to log in into steam then it will start dl the game.

If it still do not work after using our dedicaced installer, you can use the PoL log system and post it here (use pastebin plz) to have some help.

But remember one thing : wine and ATI/AMD GPU-driver are not a good mix, the FGLRX driver is kinda crappy and incomplete under GNU/Linux, espacially with wine wrapper.



Edited by GNU_Raziel

booman Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 18:59

Which version of Wine are you using in PlayOnLinux?

I'm finding that Wine 1.5.25 is pretty stable, but may not be compatible with fonts in Steam. In other words, you won't see any fonts at all.

The most success I've had with Steam its-self is 1.4.1, 1.5, 1.5.17
But thats only installing & launching Steam...
Running the game from Steam is a whole other matter...

On WineHQ they are recommending Wine 1.5.19

Also, don't forget:

1. PlayOnLinux Configure
2. Select virtual drive
3. Click Display tab:
4. Direct Draw Renderer: opengl
5. Video memory size: amount of memory on your video card
6. Offscreen rendering mode: fbo
7. Select Wine Tab
8. Click Reboot Windows

These steps usually get my game running smoothly too.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 535| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 19:06

Well, he still may not have installed it with the script, which should take care of most of that for him. I still need to try it. I havent had the chance lately (been playing ME1).

Post debug logs & full computer specs in first post
No private messages for general help, use the forums
Read the wiki, Report broken scripts
booman Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 19:10

Ha Ha, I got you back into Mass Effect didn't I?
Sounds like he used the PlayOnLinux script... I wasn't sure if there was one already.

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 535| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Ronin DUSETTE Wednesday 24 April 2013 at 19:20

Yeah. There is one. There is actually a main thread here:

Well, kind of. Hahaha. I already wanted to play the whole thing again, so I have for my LT+ Xbox 360 and am working toward a violent resolution scenario with overtones of extreme personal danger as Commander of the Normandy. hahaha

Post debug logs & full computer specs in first post
No private messages for general help, use the forums
Read the wiki, Report broken scripts
kusokid Thursday 25 April 2013 at 5:00

Thank you all a lot for the suggestions. I will try them all right now in the order suggested. I have some questions though.

The wine version that appears to be installed/used for POL is Wine versions (x86) - 1.5.25 & Wine versions (amd64) 'nothing'. It appears there's only a 32bit version installed, no 64bit. I checked the version by going to PlayOnLinux>Tools>Manage Wine Versions> ...

Before I use the POL installer for TR, should I delete Tomb Raider from
steam first? I can get into that SteamApps folder and just delete it
from there, or I guess I could use the Steam Gui to delete it.  Or should I
leave it alone?

Sorry for adding the error log into the post.  I will use Pastebin from now on.  Thank you very much for all the info.

one last thing...In the terminal, if I check the wine version using
'wine --version', it returns 'wine-1.4'. wtf? Maybe I didn't remove it
properly before installing POL? POL says I'm running the latest, beta
version 1.5.25 for 32bit.                     

Edited by kusokid

kusokid Thursday 25 April 2013 at 5:19

I used the Steam gui to delete the non-POL version of Tomb Raider.  Closed all POL software, and then ran the TR2013 installer through POL.  It downloaded Wine 1.5.19, then Wine Gecko 32+64bit, directX, and Steam.  After Steam updated I was prompted to completely shutdown steam before playing the game so that the POL script could finish.  After accepting that dialog, 2 new options appeared in the POL main menu, Steam (Tomb Raider 2013) and Tomb Raider (2013), but it doesn't look like Steam is running and downloading the game. So, I tried to run the Steam (Tomb Raider 2013) one and steam launched but the download didn't start and Tomb Raider was greyed out.  I then Closed all PlayOnLinux software, because I can't find another way to completely kill Steam, and then ran Tomb Raider (2013) from POL.  This time I was prompted to dl Tomb Raider.  It's dling right now so I'll update this post once it's done and set those settings booman indicated.

Edited by kusokid

kusokid Thursday 25 April 2013 at 5:33

Which version of Wine are you using in PlayOnLinux?
1. PlayOnLinux Configure
2. Select virtual drive
3. Click Display tab:
4. Direct Draw Renderer: opengl
5. Video memory size: amount of memory on your video card
6. Offscreen rendering mode: fbo
7. Select Wine Tab
8. Click Reboot Windows

Quote from booman

Thank you so much for giving me these steps to follow, booman. 
Should I access the configure menu and follow these steps with the virtual drive for Steam or TombRaider, or both? 
kusokid Thursday 25 April 2013 at 7:27

OK, I killed steam after it finished downloading. Then I made sure to set draw renderer: opengl, video memory 2048, offscreen rendering mode: fbo, and then chose to reboot windows. I double-checked these settings for Tomb Raider(2013) and Steam (Tomb Raider 2013). I then tried to launch Tomb Raider (2013), and ran the game with default settings. It froze on a black screen before anything was displayed. The mouse is functioning though. I pressed ESC to exit the program, and in POL, in the display menu for TombRaider 2013, I disabled GLSL support, disabled render target mode lock, disabled multisampling and disabled Strict Draw ordering. Restarted the game through POL, went into options, disabled exclusive full screen, lowered res. to 1280x1024, unchecked motion blur and screen effects, turned off anti-aliasing, and turned off SSAO. Clicked OK, ran the game and got the same blackscreen. After that I checked the wine version for the game in POL, it showed x86 = 1.5.25, amd64 = 1.5.19. I killed steam, installed the ATI_Black-Screen_Fix component, reran the game with all the previously mentioned settings and still get a black screen. Here's the error log:

Here's another link to the error for tombraider using the PlayOnLinux debugger option:

Edited by kusokid

xpander Thursday 25 April 2013 at 11:22

try wine 1.5.9-raw3
that version worked for me, when i installed the game with PoL, before the script was available.

anything newer than that cause the black screen for me also (havent tried 1.5.26 and up yet though if that issue is fixed.

i have nvidia card though

also i needed alwaysoffscreen enabled to fix the weird graphical glitches (the same ones as with deus ex human revolution)

Edited by xpander

booman Thursday 25 April 2013 at 14:52

Wow, you have been busy... I'll answer your questions about the virtual drives first:

When the script creates a virtual drive it will show up in "Configure" as Bold text. Anything under that bold text is just linking to shortcuts created by the script.
If you do a manual installation the same thing will happen.

for example:

In bold is the Dead Space virtual drive. Under it is the shortcut to the game.

The reason you can do this is because you can set one virtual drive and have multiple games installed in it. Then you can set the configuration for each game differently.
I don't recommend this...

I recommend making changes in Configuration with the bold Tomb Raider virtual drive only.

Also, if you are running a 64-bit operating system, it is critical that you install the LInux 32-bit libraries so you can play 32-bit games.

To make things easier on you... try moving the Tomb Raider folder to your desktop before deleting the Virtual Drive in PlayOnLinux and starting over.
This way you don't have to download it again and again:
1. Find your "common" folder in SteamApps.
2. Drag-n-drop the Tomb Raider folder to your desktop
3. Delete the Virtual Drive
4. Run the script again (which installs Steam)
5. After launching Steam once, close it
6. Find the new SteamApps folder
7. Create a new folder: common
8. Drag-n-drop your Tomb Raider folder from your desktop to SteamApps
9. Launch Steam
10. Double-click to install Tomb Raider
11. Steam will "Discover files..."
12. Ready to launch

This saves you a LOT of time and you won't have to keep downloading an 8 Gigabyte game. You can do this with any Steam & Valve games. I actually use this method to backup my Steam games and restore them quickly.

Wine vs PlayOnLinux Wine:
if you use Terminal to check the Wine version it only shows you the initial Wine version you installed. PlayOnLinux has the ability to install and run versions of Wine separately from the initial Wine installation. This gives us a lot of freedom to test games in different versions of Wine without having to mess with the terminal.
Just download a new version of Wine in PlayOnLinux and select it. Didn't work? Try another one and select it.
I LOVE this feature because not all Wines are the same for each game. I feel sorry for the people who have to keep uninstalling Wine from Terminal and installing a different one and creating Wineprefixes bla bla bla.
PlayOnLinux handles all of it through the GUI and makes it seamless... not to mention works GREAT!

Don't forget your AMD card could be the problem with the blackscreen. A lot of people are having similar problems WineHQ so it could be related to drivers or the 64-bit vs 32-bit.

Virtual Desktop:
I recommend running the game in a Virtual Desktop while testing.
1. Configure
2. Wine tab
3. Configure Wine
4. Graphics tab
5. check "run in a virtual desktop"
6. set resolution: 1024x768

This is a good testing environment because you don't have to mess with mouse problems and full-screen artifacts.

I don't have a copy of Tomb Raider yet, so I can't test it. But the game looks really cool, I plan on buying it when there is sale.
Good luck, let us know if you progress any further

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 535| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
kusokid Thursday 25 April 2013 at 17:16

try wine 1.5.9-raw3
that version worked for me, when i installed the game with PoL, before the script was available.

anything newer than that cause the black screen for me also (havent tried 1.5.26 and up yet though if that issue is fixed.

i have nvidia card though

also i needed alwaysoffscreen enabled to fix the weird graphical glitches (the same ones as with deus ex human revolution)

Quote from xpander

I tried setting the POL wine versions for 32 and 64bit to 1.5.9-raw3 after deleting the previously installed wine versions that the POL TR installer hooked up (I forget which versions they were).  After that I rebooted and still got the blackscreen after launching the Tomb Raider (2013) app in POL. Same as before doing this, before anything appeared, I got the indefinite blackscreen even before the first menu prompting me to skip or send the square/enix login appeared.  However, the only difference I noticed was that pressing esc. would not get rid of the blackscreen this time.  It seemed I had to reset my computer to regain control of the system (tbh, I didn't feel like waiting around an undetermined amount of time for the desktop to return)...

Thanks a lot for giving me something to try though, xpander.  Btw, I couldn't find that exact offscreen option you mentioned.  Did you mean the 'Offscreen rendering mode' in the display tab? 

Edited by kusokid

kusokid Thursday 25 April 2013 at 17:24

booman thanks a lot. 

Before I follow your awesomely detailed steps, I figured I should copy the game as you so instructed and then completely delete everything wine-related including POL before continuing. The reason why I think this is because, as I stated before, even now, after changing my wine versions, checking the wine version in the terminal via 'wine --1.4', using my 'main' user account, the one used to install Ubuntu, or the secondary one I created for playing games the it says I have wine-1.4.  This is different from what POL says.  Sheit, maybe I should just completely reinstall Ubuntu 12.04, or ringtail or quantal.  I don't know.  I've been haphazardly trying to download stuff to get this game to run.  I forget what things I have entered into the terminal.  The reason why it's difficult for me to remember is mainly because I've just been copy pasting everything related to 12.04 kernal, ati driver updates.

I'd rather not have to format and reinstall ubuntu.  Maybe there's a way to delete all the stuff related to games, like all the installed directx, wine, and graphics-related kernel stuff.  If you know please tell me.  I could follow your steps, I'm just worried something I've done in the past might allow it to turn out as expected...

Regardless, thanks a lot.  You guys are so helpful.      

Edited by kusokid

booman Thursday 25 April 2013 at 18:27

Don't worry about Wine.
Start by removing PlayOnLinux and re-installing it (but you don't even need to do that)

Honestly, I do manual installations for most of my games. I'll create the Virtual Drive and select the Wine I want to use for each game I install.
Then I'll configure wine (as listed above) and then set the display options in PlayOnLinux.

I have a question: Have you been able to run any other games on your system?

It may be a good idea to try some other Steam games to make sure your video drivers are working properly. This problem could still be centered around your AMD card and sloppy drivers.

The best way to "start over" is to just install the game in PlayOnLinux again in a new Virtual Drive.
If you install from the script, that will automatically create your Virtual Drive.
Any time we say "fresh prefix" that is what we mean.

A prefix acts like a brand new Windows installation with basic files.
Since you have backed up your Tomb Raider game to your desktop... all you have to do is start over with installing from PlayOnLinux and get through installing Steam.
Let the PlayOnLinux install complete and then find SteamApps, create the "common" folder and drag-n-drop your Tomb Raider into it.

Then run Steam, double-click to install Tomb Raider again, wait while it discovers files and Launch again.

Sadly this takes a LOT of trial-n-error to get it running, but don't ever give up.
In time it WILL run but we may have to wait on Wine development.

I spent many hours trying to get Assassin's Creed running and eventually gave up.
Then a few months later it totally worked!
Now it runs perfectly!

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 535| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
kusokid Friday 26 April 2013 at 6:30

I have a question: Have you been able to run any other games on your system?

Quote from booman

Tomb Raider 2013 is the first and only windows game I've tried running on Ubuntu 12.04.  I have a simple 2d game, And Yet It Moves, running nice on my system, but that game has a supported linux version.  I'm running it using the Linux version of Steam.  Also, I have Half-Life 2: Deathmatch running nice with no problems, but again, that one has a supported Linux version which I'm running through Linux Steam. 

In short, I have a 2d and 3d game running perfectly on linux using the Linux version of steam.  I have a sheitload of windows games on Steam that I'd like to run on Linux.  Thanks to you, and others, I've come to understand the concept that certain windows games will most likely require different configurations (ex. wine versions, graphics settings, rendering options, etc.) in order to run in the linux environment.  Being the simpleton that I am, so not to get overwhelmed by the potential plethora of options that can be configured for each individual game, I figured I'd keep it simple and just try to get Tomb Raider 2013 working first. 

I just copied out Tomb Raider to the desktop, and uninstalled all the virtual drives (Steam, Steam Tomb Raider 2013, and Tomb Raider 2013) using the POL gui.  After doing that I verified that everything was removed by checking Home>'PlayOnLinux's virtual drives' directory.  It now only contains a 'default' directory, which contains only one single text file 'playonlinu.log
([04/24/13 10:33:48] - ----- Starting function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----
[04/24/13 10:37:25] - ----- Ending function POL_Internal_InstallFonts -----)

I shutdown the system, disconnected the power, waited 10 secs, pressed the power button again just to discharge any residual electricty, fired the system back up, checked the POLvirtualdrives directory, and double-checked it was still empty.  Cool.  Now I'ma install Tomb Raider 2013 through the POL games directory.

Edited by kusokid

kusokid Friday 26 April 2013 at 7:24

The first time I ran POL, I installed Steam first. After that I installed Tomb Raider. During the POL TR2013 installation it prompted me to shutdown steam after the game downloaded, before launching the game. At that time steam didn't download the game automatically (perhaps because I installed Steam by itself prior to running the TombRaider installer). Anyway, this time, after uninstalling all the virtual drives and copying out Tomb Raider to the desktop, during the POL TR2013 install process I got the same prompt telling me to shutdown steam completely before launching the game so that the script can finish. This time, steam launched automatically and prompted me to download the game. I cancelled it, because I already saved out the game data :(, but it appears the POL Wizard didn't notice that, as it's waiting for that dl to finish, 'Please wait while Tomb Raider is installed...'. See right here, after steam launched (which it did automagically, I didn't have to do anything), I was gonna shut it down, and copy the game from my desktop into the 'common' folder in 'SteamApps', but it's kinda weird now. It doesn't feel right to me canceling out of that 'Please wait...' prompt. Maybe canceling out of it would keep the script from completing as intended. Actually, I'm an impatient bastard so I'm gonna do it all over, remove all the virtual drives, wine installations, reboot the system, run the POL TR2013 installer only and just let the game redownload. I'm in Japan where the speed is so good I'm gettin' like 7~8mbs per second, so it only takes like 15min. to download 11gbs.

Note: When I used the POL installer for TR2013, wine version 1.5.19 was automatically installed.  However, only the amd64 version was installed.  Nothing was installed for 32bit(x86).  I'ma nuke it anyway, so the install process can complete everything it needs to without hitch.

Edited by kusokid

kusokid Friday 26 April 2013 at 8:24

Damn, my timing sucks. Now, whenever I try to run the Tomb Raider 2013 POL installer, (having uninstalled all the virtual drives and rebooted the system), it keeps saying Steam is already running and that I can only have one running at a time. wtf? I thought I uninstalled those virtual drives...Or is it complaining about the linux one that was initially installed on the main admin account? Anyway, clicking OK on this 'steam's already running...' prompt makes that 'Please wait while Tomb Raider is installed' box disappear, which is unsettling to say the least.  So what I did was I went into each of my user accounts, the one I created on Ubuntu install *main admin*, went into ubuntu software center and removed the linux steam install. After that I ran 'sudo apt-get purge steam' just for good measure. I went back into my other user account (which should have virtually the same permissions ALL), ran ubuntu software center and found steam was already uninstalled. Good. Ran sudo apt-get purge steam again, and it found the folder didnt exist.  I then did sudo apt-get autoremove Steam just ffs. Then I double-checked that all the virtual drives were still uninstalled (checked this by going to the POLvirtualdrives folder) again, rebooted, went to install the POL TR2013 installer, and it's still saying steam's already running. This leads me to believe it's something with POL's handles on Steam.

Does anybody know how can I completely remove every trace of steam? Should I file a support ticket with Valve? Or maybe is there some kinda log file in POL that thinks Steam is still running?

(Jsyk, at some point after installing Steam Linux, using fstab I added the secondary account (the account I planned to use for gaming and fun stuff) to have ALL permissions.)

One other thing I think I should add is that a couple times before I endeavored to 'completely' uninstall all versions of Steam off both accounts, was that despite the fact I had 'Start steam automatically on boot' unchecked, AND before launching any programs like POL, some half-arse version of steam would run on its own.  This was only the case on my secondary account, the account steam linux wasn't installed under. I call this miscreant steam half-arse because the game list in the library was incomplete, only about one third of the games in my library were listed.  On the main admin account where I installed Linux Steam, all the games in my library showed, but naturally only a handful, those with Linux versions, couple be installed. Furthermore, the games I had installed 'And Yet It Moves', and 'Half-Life 2 Deathmatch', were not in the half-arse steam list.  Totally weird.  After running this, I got mad and just wanted eradicate Steam from my system. So...

After showing hidden files in the home directory, I searched the Playonlinux folder for steam, and there were many hits. Since I wanted to completely remove steam, I went ahead and tried deleting them.  I was able to delete about half of them, but the other half are locked.  Being the newb that I am, I couldn't readily figure out how to delete them...
Here's a link to a screenshot listing all the data I can't delete containing the 'steam' string.

I'm reluctant to try and run the POL TR2013 installer again for fear it might exacerbate the problem further.  If I may, I'll wait for some help from you pros before I try to do anything else. Maybe there's some registry keys for steam lurking somewhere, I don't know.

I still plan to use booman's steps, but first I'd like to know how to go about getting past this steam issue.  I'd like to kill it off completely before starting anew following booman's steps.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by kusokid

xpander Friday 26 April 2013 at 11:11

about the alwaysoffscreen option. its not in the PoL gui somehow
you need to edit the registry manually

a video i made also:

edit: ohh wait i noticed you have amd gpu, thats not good when it comes to gaming under linux, specialy with wine :(

Edited by xpander

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