Rank : Moderador
Staff description
Nickname : Tutul
First Name : Raphaël
Age : born in 92
Role : Moderator, I sometimes write one or two scripts and work on the application
Distributions : I tested Ubuntu 8 to 10, Debian 7, ArchLinux (not long), Manjaro 0.8.10, Elementary OS (on a virtual machine for testing). I was also under OSX 10.4 and OSX 10.6
And now, I'm using Fedora :)
What Else ?
Student computer. I really enjoy playing and learning programming. I was recruited in 2010/2011 after three script and a lot of intervention to assist in the creation of scripts and manual installations ... My biggest flaw? My spelling (and my grammar) ^^" for a moderator is not terrible but I am careful to preserve your little eyes :)
Some PlayOnLinux installers
Ultimos temas
"Standards for script publishing" : tout cassé
Problème lancement Battle.net et Overwatch
Run a .exe file in this virtual drive not working
.Net Framework installed but missed
Unable to Install Anything on PlayOnLinux
setting environmental variables for wine
Setup has determined the publisher cannot be verified
Logbook Pro installed but Not Functioning Properly
Je n'arrive pas à installer le moindre jeu
Alerte de fin de support par macOS