El Foro

Installing on Pardus.


Autor Respuestas
egetun Sunday 9 March 2008 at 8:09


For testing, I downloaded PlayOnLinux_2.0.9.tar.gz and I want to build PiSi package for Pardus Linux Dist. I think there is not any problem so PlayOnLinux is under the GPL.

My problem is, I do not know dependecies of PlayOnLinux.
Only dep. is Wine?

I could not find any installation doc.

I'm waiting for your answers...

Deniz Ege TUNÇAY | EGETUN.com
icaro581 Monday 10 March 2008 at 18:10

hi These are the dependences

1. Wine
2. Bash
3. Python > 2.4
4. Wxwindows bindings for Python > 2.6
5. Lynx
6. xterm
7. unzip
8. Dosbox
9. wine

and this is for dosbox support


-- Henry Antonio --
egetun Saturday 15 March 2008 at 9:36

I will build this app. for Pardus.

Deniz Ege TUNÇAY | EGETUN.com

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