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Playonlinux 5 : release when ?

Autor Respuestas
millerthegorilla Thursday 30 November 2017 at 16:14

Will playonlinux 5 be released?

ImperatorS79 Friday 1 December 2017 at 21:28

You can test it here -> https://github.com/PhoenicisOrg/POL-POM-5/wiki/Build

POL5 is here ! -> https://github.com/PhoenicisOrg/phoenicis
booman Wednesday 6 December 2017 at 19:49

Do you know when is a stable version going to be released?

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 535| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
ImperatorS79 Thursday 12 April 2018 at 17:18

AFAIK, it's quite well working, but some things are missing to be feature even with POL4, and the wine building service needs to be fixed (missing deps (vulkan ^^) and missing macOS 64bits). A new website is also nearly ready.


Edit : sorry for the LATE answer ^^

Editado por: ImperatorS79

POL5 is here ! -> https://github.com/PhoenicisOrg/phoenicis
booman Thursday 12 April 2018 at 17:18

Awesome!  Thank you for the update!

† Booman †
Mint 21.3 64-bit | Nvidia 535| GeForce GTX 1650
Linux for Beginners | PlayOnLinux Guides | PlayOnLinux Explained
Zeioth Thursday 26 April 2018 at 21:38

The build it's failing. Someone have the snap file compiled?

Xubuntu 18.04 64-bit | Nvidia 390+ | GeForce GTX 1050
ImperatorS79 Sunday 29 April 2018 at 14:35

Could you explain what is hapenning ? There is not any snap package ATM.

PS : an "alpha" of the website is online : https://phoenicis.org/

Editado por: ImperatorS79

POL5 is here ! -> https://github.com/PhoenicisOrg/phoenicis
plata Tuesday 1 May 2018 at 18:36

@Zeioth snap is not really supported right now. We have an open issue to track it: https://github.com/PhoenicisOrg/phoenicis/issues/752


Alpha release of the software should be in the near future. Stay tuned!

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