Hello everyone. I can't play the game (Championship Manager 01-02) that I have been playing for years using PlayOnMac, for a reason I can't understand. Since this game is the only game I've played in my life, it makes me sad that the problem can't be solved :(
The application started to give an error when there was nothing, no changes I made. I reinstalled the program step by step (as well as the game) but nothing changed.
I look forward to your help, thank you very much in advance.
OSX version: MacOS Monterey 12.2
PlayOnMac version: 4.4.3
Your graph card: M1
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 64-bit code (0x00000000004d1cad).
Register dump:
rip:00000000004d1cad rsp:000000000031ee38 rbp:000000000031f5b0 eflags:00000246 ( - -- I Z- -P- )
rax:0000000000000000 rbx:0000000000000000 rcx:0000000000000000 rdx:000000000000002e
rsi:00007ffd01d90000 rdi:000000000031f3d0 r8:0000000000000b40 r9:0000000000000030 r10:00000000000007fb
r11:0000000000000155 r12:0000000000000000 r13:0000000000000000 r14:0000000000000001 r15:0000000000000000
Stack dump:
0x000000000031ee38: 00000000004060e9 0000000000000000
0x000000000031ee48: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000031ee58: 0000000000002c00 0000000000000000
0x000000000031ee68: 0000000000020006 0000000000000000
0x000000000031ee78: 000000000031f5b0 0000000000000000
0x000000000031ee88: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000000031ee98: 000000000031f3a0 0000000000409010
0x000000000031eea8: 000000000031f190 0000000000014cd0
0x000000000031eeb8: 000000007b630e40 000000000031ef30
0x000000000031eec8: 000000007bc2a040 000000000031ef80
0x000000000031eed8: 000000000031ef28 000000007bc0dbc0
0x000000000031eee8: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
=>0 0x00000000004d1cad memcmp+0xbd(ptr1=0x00x0, ptr2=0x2e, n=<is not available>) [Z:\root\wine-git\wine64-build\..\dlls\msvcrt\string.c:2602] in ucrtbase (0x000000000031f5b0)
1 0x00000000004060e9 main+0x1148(argc=<is not available>, argv=<is not available>) [Z:\root\wine-git\wine64-build\..\programs\wineboot\wineboot.c:829] in wineboot (0x000000000031f5b0)
2 0x0000000000404362 mainCRTStartup+0x61() [Z:\root\wine-git\wine64-build\..\dlls\msvcrt\crt_main.c:58] in wineboot (0x0000000000000000)
3 0x000000007b62c0e9 BaseThreadInitThunk+0x8(unknown=<is not available>, entry=<is not available>, arg=<is not available>) [Z:\root\wine-git\wine64-build\..\dlls\kernel32\thread.c:59] in kernel32 (0x0000000000000000)
4 0x000000007bc59742 RtlUserThreadStart+0x81(entry=0x404300, arg=0x7ffd01daf000) [Z:\root\wine-git\wine64-build\..\dlls\ntdll\thread.c:139] in ntdll (0x0000000000000000)
0x00000000004d1cad memcmp+0xbd [Z:\root\wine-git\wine64-build\..\dlls\msvcrt\string.c:2602] in ucrtbase: movzbl (%rax),%ecx
Unable to access file 'Z:\root\wine-git\wine64-build\..\dlls\msvcrt\string.c'
Module Address Debug info Name (9 modules)
PE 400000- 466000 Dwarf wineboot
PE 470000- 73f000 Dwarf ucrtbase
PE 61540000- 61633000 Deferred advapi32
PE 698a0000- 698a4000 Deferred ws2_32
PE 6a080000- 6a2ed000 Deferred msvcrt
PE 6ba00000- 6baaa000 Deferred sechost
PE 7b000000- 7b323000 Deferred kernelbase
PE 7b600000- 7b931000 Dwarf kernel32
PE 7bc00000- 7becd000 Dwarf ntdll
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000024 0
00000028 (D) C:\windows\system32\wineboot.exe
0000002c 0 <==
00000038 0
0000003c explorer.exe
00000040 0
00000044 0
00000048 0
System information:
Wine build: wine-6.0
Platform: x86_64
Version: Windows 7
Host system: Darwin
Host version: 21.3.0
Editado por: thebard