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In the "browsers" family, I would like Internet Explorer 6 !

Zaterdag 22 December 2007 om 13:04


Today, I done an installation script for Internet Explorer 6.

Script's functioning

Internet Explorer is very difficult to set up in Wine. Indeed, a lot of adjustments must be done to prevent Wine to use his gecko browser.
I used ies4linux. By the way, I want to thanks ies4linux's developers: without them, nothing would have been possible.

So, the script takes responsibility for:
- Downloading ies4linux.
- Installing Internet Explorer 6 (with ies4linux) in the right place.
- Creating launchers.
Thus, the prefixes is perfectly intregrated to WorkOnLinux and all the menus are still available.

What's the interest of using Internet Explorer under Linux?

Web developers will understand me very well. It permit to verify that your website is compatible with one of the most used browser under Windows. Internet Explorer respects very badly the W3C standards, and we can expect any kind of unforeseen results. In addition, PlayOnLinux has a little problem with the menu at the top of the banner page


If you are a web developer and you are interested in Internet Explorer 6, please update WorkOnLinux.
If you want to test your website with other Internet Explorer versions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.5,6 and 7), go on ies4linux's website.
But, please, do not use this script surf on the Internet ...

By Tinou