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PlayOnLinux is in Packman

Zaterdag 2 Februari 2008 om 18:35


You were thinking only Ubuntu and other Debian-like distros were important to our eyes? It is false now!
Indeed, thanks to Anubis, PlayOnLinux is present (since some days yet) in the Packman repository for the openSUSE distribution.

You can verify it HERE.
You will find there latest versions of PlayOnLinux and PlayOnLinux-DosBox-Support packages for openSUSE 10.3, 10.2 and also SuSE 10.1 and 10.0.

To add Packman to your repository list, you can:
- Either run YaST -> Software -> Community Repositories, tick the case in front of "Packman Repository", click on "Finish" and ... that's its
- Or open a terminal, obtain the super user's rights and type the following command zypper sa <URL> <alias> adapting the URL depending on the nearest mirror from your country (the mirror's list is HERE) and the alias depending on the display name you want for Packman.

Example : $ su
(type your root password)
# zypper sa Packman

To install PlayOnLinux, you can also use the "OneClickInstall" technology (only if you use openSUSE 10.3 or later). This technology is in charge of activating the required repository and choosing package(s) to be installed for you. To do it, just click on the following button:

(Your root password will be necessary)