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[ISSUE] BN Nook for PC no login

App based on MS VC 90 and Webkit

Auteur Antwoorden
codecomplete Woensdag 29 Augustus 2018 om 11:02

Hello, I'm trying to get Barnes & Noble Nook for PC to run.  BN's digital division is, shall we say, not too well nailed together and this app is the only way I can read subscribed newspapers on a desktop.

The app will launch, after I fixed an issue where MS VC90 runtimes would not load because of mis-matched Wine/glibc versioning.

My debug log (Zorin OS Lite 12.4 [xubuntu lookalike] - POL 4.2.12 - Wine 1.6.2):

[08/29/18 04:24:55] - Running wine- BNDReader.exe (Working directory : /home/ktindle/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/BNRead/drive_c/Program Files/Barnes & Noble/BNDesktopReader)
fixme:ntdll:NtConnectPort (0x5b0c1170,L"\\ThemeApiPort",0x33ef5c,(nil),(nil),(nil),0x33ef6c,0x33ef68),stub!
fixme:ntdll:NtConnectPort (0x5b0c1170,L"\\ThemeApiPort",0x33e8ac,(nil),(nil),(nil),0x33e8bc,0x33e8b8),stub!
fixme:ntdll:NtConnectPort (0x5b0c1170,L"\\ThemeApiPort",0x32fb3c,(nil),(nil),(nil),0x32fb4c,0x32fb48),stub!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f6c4,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:ntdll:NtLockFile I/O completion on lock not implemented yet
fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x32e410, overlapped 0x7feb22cc): stub
fixme:toolhelp:CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Unimplemented: heap list snapshot
fixme:toolhelp:Heap32ListFirst : stub
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {35440327-1517-4b72-865e-3ffe8e97002f} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {35440327-1517-4b72-865e-3ffe8e97002f} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x10086, 0x20c798): stub
fixme:font:CreateFontIndirectExW some fields ignored. fullname=L"Verdana", style=L"Regular", script=L"Western"
fixme:font:CreateFontIndirectExW some fields ignored. fullname=L"Verdana", style=L"Regular", script=L"Western"
fixme:wininet:InternetSetOptionW Option INTERNET_OPTION_DATA_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT (180000): STUB
fixme:secur32:schannel_get_cipher_algid unknown algorithm 11
fixme:secur32:schannel_get_mac_algid unknown algorithm 200
fixme:secur32:schannel_get_kx_algid unknown algorithm 12
fixme:secur32:schannel_get_cipher_block_size Unknown cipher 0xb, returning 1
fixme:secur32:schannel_get_cipher_algid unknown algorithm 11
fixme:secur32:schannel_get_mac_algid unknown algorithm 200
fixme:secur32:schannel_get_kx_algid unknown algorithm 12
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
fixme:wininet:IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (L"barnesandnoble.com", L"cart4.barnesandnoble.com") semi-stub
err:wininet:HTTP_ParseDateAsAsctime unexpected weekday L"-1"
err:wininet:HTTP_ParseDate unexpected date format L"-1"

The last two entries appear when one tries to provide a username/password pair for login.  One gets the "signon - 1025 error".  It seems that wininet is struggling mightily and that perhaps a native DLL would help.  On the Install components tab I get "file mismatch"- checksums not matching- when I try to install wininet.

I don't mean to be a bother, but I've invested time into this, and would appreciate a quick word as to how, or even if, there is any way to proceed, based on the debug info.

Dadu042 Zaterdag 27 Juli 2019 om 23:29

Wine 1.6.2 is pretty old. Try the latest Wine version available.


Often useful : http://wiki.playonlinux.com/index.php/Manual_Installations (ie: looking at appdb.winehq.org about this software).


> On the Install components tab I get "file mismatch"- checksums not matching- when I try to install wininet.


Wow bad sign, perhaps the feature POL_Install_wininet is break.


Any idea where to download "Nook for PC" ? (URL please).

Aangepast door Dadu042

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