demontager |
Zaterdag 11 April 2020 om 23:00
If you are not a coder and only bumping this thread asking ETA for Catlina support it does nothing.
If you realy need working windows apps on Catalina just support codeweavers and buy Crossover its only $15.
Aangepast door demontager
My github:
Donderdag 23 April 2020 om 13:32
Is anyone currently working on POM support for macOS Catalina ?
Donderdag 23 April 2020 om 13:44
If you are not a coder and only bumping this thread asking ETA for Catlina support it does nothing.
If you realy need working windows apps on Catalina just support codeweavers and buy Crossover its only $15.
Do you have a link to thier website ?
demontager |
Vrijdag 15 Mei 2020 om 20:28
Here the link where you may get CrossOver for MAC with Catalina support.
Aangepast door demontager
My github:
Munkeh |
Woensdag 20 Mei 2020 om 16:45
Sorry, I'm not seeing where it's $15. Here in the UK, it's showing as £48, that's about $60.
Quentin PÂRIS |
Zondag 14 Juni\ 2020 om 20:07
Quentin PÂRIS
federomano |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 7:09
Hi Quentin, the file is (apparently) broken. I tried downloading it 2 times and the same happens :(

Aangepast door federomano
Quentin PÂRIS |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 7:48
Quentin PÂRIS
Yeah the app is not yet signed.
Can you force it to run from security panel?
Dolkkaa |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 11:55
"How can I force it to run from the security panel?"
Use the Finder on your Mac to find the app you want to open.
Most apps are in the Applications folder.
While holding down the "Control" key, click on the app icon and select "Open" from the context menu.
Click on "Open".
The app is backed up as an exception to your security settings, so you can open it like any authorized app by double-clicking in the future.
This does not fork for me.
Aangepast door Dadu042
misocurdo |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 18:49
Same problem of @federomano .
I try doing this from terminal but don't work:
cd /Applications
sudo spctl --master-disable
open /System/Library/PreferencePanes/Security.prefPane
open -a Phoenicis\
Quentin PÂRIS |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 21:25
Quentin PÂRIS
Can you please try to redownload the zip file and relaunch the .app?
erush18 |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 22:03
I had the same problem but I was able to get the app to run by using the following command:
xattr -cr "/path/to/"
This needs to be run as root and obviously is run at your own risk as I do not know what side affects it may cause. The manpage shows that this recursively removes all attributes from the app, including the "app comes from external developer" message.
Hope that works for anyone who has that error.
P.S. Thank you developers for all your hard work!! It is crazy you guys do this for free
Quentin PÂRIS |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 22:04
Quentin PÂRIS
Thank you for the tip. Anyway, the app will be notarized when it's released, so hopefully the problem won't occur
misocurdo |
Maandag 15 Juni\ 2020 om 22:06
Now works.
Thanks a lot
Can you please try to redownload the zip file and relaunch the .app?
riro46 |
Dinsdag 16 Juni\ 2020 om 4:23
sorry but I'm a bit slow --
- am able to download Pheonicis Play on Mac
- and found custom installer to run Notepad++ 7.8.6
- mais then, am I able to run Steam via Pheonicis to play aoe? Or, do I need to launch steam elsewhere?
et merci beaucoup mon ami!
Dolkkaa |
Dinsdag 16 Juni\ 2020 om 15:11
I can open it now but i have problems with the features of it, because i cant find some.
Thank you for your hard work and d´the time you invest in the App.
Quentin PÂRIS |
Dinsdag 16 Juni\ 2020 om 21:32
Quentin PÂRIS
Dolkkaa |
Woensdag 17 Juni\ 2020 om 11:36
I can open it fine and i can see all the things I had on play on mac before I upgraded. But if I open something It sayes that wine crashed. When I try to change the wine version nothing happens and when I try to Install a new one it says: "Wine packages webside is unavailable". What can I do?
Thanks for all the hard work from you!!!
Quentin PÂRIS |
Woensdag 17 Juni\ 2020 om 13:50
Quentin PÂRIS
Can you open POM from a terminal and show me any errors you have?
Dolkkaa |
Woensdag 17 Juni\ 2020 om 21:00
It says:
wine: failed to initialize: failed to set the LDT entry for 32-bit code segment
Down at the discription it says that the POM website is not available and I should try to connect to the Internet even if I have Internet.
Aangepast door Dolkkaa