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Sigma Data Center


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DanielVigo Maandag 11 Mei 2020 om 23:04

Hola, soy nuevo por aqui y estoy un poco perdido.

he conseguido instalar la aplicacion de dta center que es una aplicacion àr gestionar el gps de la bici. Tuve dos problemas el primero las fuentes que no me as reconocia, ese esta arreglado instale las Microsoft Font y listo. Para el segundo necesita ayuda , la cuestion es que al conectar el gps al ordenador por USB y abrir la aplicacion no lo reconoce. ¿Como puedo hacer?

Gracias de antemano


Hi, I'm new around here and I'm a little lost.

I have managed to install the dta center application which is an application to manage the gps of the bike. I had two problems, the first the fonts that you did not recognize, that is fixed, install the Microsoft Font and that's it. For the second you need help, the question is that by connecting the gps to the computer by USB and opening the application it does not recognize it. How can I do?

Thanks in advance

Dadu042 Maandag 11 Mei 2020 om 23:35

I think this is because Wine does not manage USB yet. I see in their releases news that v5.7 just begin (partially) to support USB devices.

Aangepast door Dadu042

DanielVigo Woensdag 13 Mei 2020 om 0:51

Okay. So I have to wait for an update.

Thanks for your time

DanielVigo Zondag 17 Mei 2020 om 23:16

Do you know when they will include that version in playonlinux?

Dadu042 Zondag 17 Mei 2020 om 23:45
