Hey all.
First, thanks for working on this project! I'm excited to get a 32-bit Windows app running on macOS Catalina (64-bit only OS). The Crossover app appears to be capable of this, but the WineHQ folks say their solution is terrible and won't be rolled into WineHQ (although they will produce their own solution, probably in Wine 6.0).
Anyway, this means I need to find a way to do this using PlayOnLinux/PlayOnMac. I have POM installed and running on my MacBook pro (8-core Intel, 32GB of RAM) but the installer for CC3+ craps out with an error:

Being the industrious person I am (!), I grabbed the VC_redist.x86.exe from Microsoft in order to install the redistributable files separately, thinking that maybe this installer would then skip the attempt to install the runtime DLLs itself and thus progress to the next step. However, this also fails, but differently. Here is the contents of the playonlinux.log file:
% tail -f playonlinux.log
[11/29/20 02:36:50] - Running wine- /Users/franke/Downloads/ProFantasy CC3+/VC_redist.x86.exe (Working directory : /)
tee -a "$WINEPREFIX/playonlinux.log"
++ tee -a /Users/franke/Library/PlayOnMac//wineprefix/ProFantasy/playonlinux.log
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x15403
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xad07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x15107
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x15007
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x14d07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xb207
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xb507
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x14a07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xb907
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xbb07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xbd07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xbf07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x14507
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x14307
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x14107
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xc307
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x13d07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xc707
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xca07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x13a07
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device Unable to create plug in interface for USB deviceobject 0x13a0b
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device Unable to create plug in interface for USB deviceobject 0x13a0f
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x1380f
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device Unable to create plug in interface for USB deviceobject 0x13813
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device Unable to create plug in interface for USB deviceobject 0x13817
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device Unable to create plug in interface for USB deviceobject 0x1381b
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xce13
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device Unable to create plug in interface for USB deviceobject 0xce17
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x1370b
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xd103
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0xd203
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x13303
001d:err:plugplay:process_IOService_Device object 0x13203
0009:fixme:heap:RtlSetHeapInformation 0x0 1 0x0 0 stub
This program tried to use a DOMDocument object, but
libxml2 support was not present at compile time.
0009:fixme:ole:CoCreateInstanceEx no instance created for interface {2933bf81-7b36-11d2-b20e-00c04f983e60} of class {f6d90f11-9c73-11d3-b32e-00c04f990bb4}, hres is 0x80004001
0009:fixme:ver:GetCurrentPackageId (0x33fd04 0x0): stub
At this point, I'm stumped. I tried modifying the bash/manual_install and lib/wine.lib scripts to add some debugging output, but my commands don't even appear to be executed. I am a bit concerned that the value of "$PWD" appears to be "/", since trying to write there would obviously cause permission issues, but since my debugging statements appear to be ineffective... I don't know what the next step is.
Please help me, Obiwan Kenobi. You're my only hope. ????