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heivril Vrijdag 2 April 2021 om 22:13

hey, i installed playonlinux so i can play league of legends. When trying to install it, I get the error "Error in POL_Shortcut
Binario no encontrado: LeagueClient.exe", but previously i get the error "POL_wine error".

what should i do? pls help :(

Neoman Maandag 12 Juli 2021 om 23:32

Packages compatible with Ubuntu and derivatives are available on the PPA.
You can add a repository using terminal to receive automatic updates:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris
sudo apt update
sudo apt install lutris


Click on install Standard (Launch Helper) version:

follow the instructions.

this league of legends game works like this.

Aangepast door Neoman

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