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POL_SetupWindow_Init: command not found

/lib/sources: No such file or directory

Auteur Antwoorden
pero12 Woensdag 14 April 2010 om 19:22

Hello this is my first post here.
I installed playonlinux on ubuntu 9.10.
I followed the instructions on this site for creation scripts. I got this errors. I believe I am missing $PLAYONLINUX variable, and also POL_* is not coloured blue

I am noob and I just installed ubuntu last week.

Terminal output for both scripts:
predrag@predrag-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./pedjo.sh
playonlinux is nothing
predrag@predrag-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./Pero.sh
playonlinux is nothing
./Pero.sh: line 6: /lib/sources: No such file or directory
./Pero.sh: line 7: POL_SetupWindow_Init: command not found
./Pero.sh: line 10: POL_SetupWindow_message: command not found
./Pero.sh: line 14: POL_SetupWindow_Close: command not found

script pedjo.sh:

if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]
     echo "playonlinux is nothing"
exit 0

source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

# od tu naprej dol se pise skripta
POL_SetupWindow_message "Hello World !" "My first message"

## Votre script ici
#od tu naprej dol se ne dodaja vec skripte ampak mora biti enako

Script Pero.sh:

if [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]then
     echo "playonlinux is nothing"
     source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

      # od tu naprej dol se pise skripta
     POL_SetupWindow_message "Hello World !" "My first message"

     ## Votre script ici
     #od tu naprej dol se ne dodaja vec skripte ampak mora biti enako


Looking forward for your replay.

Kind regards, pero12
Berillions Woensdag 14 April 2010 om 19:29

You must to launch the script thanks to PoL.
With English version of PoL : Tools -> Execute a local script

pero12 Woensdag 14 April 2010 om 22:00

hey thank you for you're help. It now works. Can I ask if it is possible to use an already existing script for games because I want to install fallout 3. And where can I get this game? And where can I get an already existing script for games because I want to install fallout 3, the Elder Scroll and Gothic?

Looking forward for your replay.
Kind regards, pero12