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playonlinux never opens Ubuntu 10.04

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taquitosensei Maandag 6 September 2010 om 1:01

I tried installing playonlinux from synaptics and it installed 3.7something. When I go to "Applications"->"Games"->"PlayOnLinux" nothing happens. No errors no nothing. I tried running it from the console as a regular user.

"playonlinx" and it shows me the version then just sits there, no error no output other than the version. I updated to 3.8 from .deb download from this website and I get the same results.
Ma2t Zondag 26 September 2010 om 17:58

I've got the same problem, just info i use Lucid, POL 3.7 and wine 1.3.
anyone can help?
Aymeric P. Dinsdag 28 September 2010 om 10:26
Aymeric P.


First be sure to use the lasted release of PoL.

Then open a terminal and run PoL as this : POL_DEBUG="TRUE" ./playonlinux

Former member.

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