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Fallout: New Vegas

Install prompt

Auteur Antwoorden
scribblemaster Maandag 27 Augustus 2012 om 19:41

Hello everyone, I am new here.

I am running the latest version of PlayOnLinux on Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit with MATE desktop.

I am having an issue with Fallout: New Vegas. After I install it and launch it via the PlayOnLinux window or via steam, the launcher does not offer a "Play" option, but only an "Install" option. When I press this, the error "Fallout: New Vegas does not appear to be installed and the installer could not be found" appears.

Has anyone else had this issue? Does anyone know a solution?

Aangepast door scribblemaster

jorygriffis Dinsdag 28 Augustus 2012 om 23:51

I am having the very same problem. I have looked all over for a solution, to no avail...
0xMattMac Zondag 28 October 2012 om 18:33

I got it to start on x64 Wine 1.5.15. It also plays but I haven't got very far in it yet, so it may crash.