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PlayOnLinux/PlayOnMac 4.2.8 now available!
Wednesday 13 May 2015 at 17:28
Development has been picking up steam lately, and as such, we are proud to release PlayOnLinux & PlayOnMac 4.2.8. You can download it here:
Here is the changelog for this release:
- Feature freeze has been declared for POL 4.x, so this changelog should contain only bug fixes
- checkVersionUse(): don't assume cfg files have any order
- manual installation: component installation bugfix ($IFS not restored correctly)
- POL_OpenShell: call POL_Wine_AutoSetVersionEnv in all cases, to set $PATH (#5062)
- Fix consecutive shortcut creations
- POL_Wine_SetVideoDriver bugfix, device IDs were not inserted as DWORDs