Gosu |
Friday 5 September 2014 at 15:24
Hey there!
I really love POL since I converted to Linux!
But is it possible to change the directory where savegames
and settings of my installed games are stored?
For example: The game "Path of Exile" stores its settings
in /home/username/My Games/Path of Exile/
I am aware that the "My Games/Path of Exile" -part is set by the Game itself
and because of that it seems hard to change this directory.
However, all games store their settings in /home/username ,
so I believe this is set by PlayOnLinux?
If so, is it possible to change that directory?
For example to /home/username/Games ?
Thanks in advance,
Edytowane przez Gosu
Gosu |
Monday 8 September 2014 at 17:26
Monday 8 September 2014 at 18:05
It is not recommended to change any default folders for the installations, but you could probably symlink your way to a solution. But that is how it would install in Windows, so it would be just as difficult to do it, because it has to do with the program itself, not POL.
However, all games store their settings in /home/username ,
so I believe this is set by PlayOnLinux?
No. "/home/username/" is the equivalent of "C:\Users\username", which is where most games install their app data (either that or the actual hidden appdata folders). If there is a way to change it, it would be in the actual video games installer, and has nothing to do with POL. Maybe check the forums/wiki for that game and see if others have found a way to change where that stuff goes.
petch |
Monday 8 September 2014 at 18:15
It's Wine creating symlinks from standard Windows folders to its best estimation of equivalent Linux directories. $HOME is often its fallback, so you often end up with junk in your home directory.
You can try to install PrivateUserDirs pseudo component, or CentralizedUserDirs pseudo component to replace or redirect those symlinks.
Monday 8 September 2014 at 19:23
Ahhhh. I didn't know that we could do that.
diziet |
Wednesday 10 September 2014 at 5:02
i came across this thread by accident, glad i did, i too would like to choose where the wineprefixes store user files;
i notice that the two scripts referenced are installable per virtual drive, what i would like is to be able to set a custom directory for POL as a whole which would be taken up by all new installations, is this a possibility?
petch |
Wednesday 10 September 2014 at 12:02
You can add POL_Call POL_Install_CentralizedUserDirs in ~/.PlayOnLinux/configurations/post_prefixcreate (create the script if missing) to customize newly created virtual drives.
Gosu |
Monday 29 September 2014 at 12:49
Thank you all very, much. Was kinda busy the last few weeks, so sorry for my late response.
I'll try that and let you know when all is set :)
diziet |
Wednesday 24 December 2014 at 4:28
installing the 'centralized' psuedo component in one game caused all subsequent games to use "Playonlinux's user directories" as the 'home' folder, but looking at the script source it seems that the user is supposed to be prompted for the location, is there a different way to run the script, from a playonlinux shell maybe?
petch |
Wednesday 24 December 2014 at 10:49
The user will be prompted upon first use only, then his/her answer is cached in global configuration.
If that's not sufficient, you can install this pseudo-components from the "Install components" tab, if you want to run it from a PoL shell you'll have to call it from within a virtual drive since it expects the context of a virtual drive to run:
Configure button > (select virtual drive) > Miscellaneous tab > Run a shell from this virtual drive
POL_Call POL_Install_CentralizedUserDirs
But if your need is just to preset a value, based on current implementation you can just set the directory directly in the global configuration, and this should work even from the global PoL shell:
POL_Config_Write CENTRALIZED_USERDIR "/absolute/directory/path"