
Звание : Member
Staff description
Nickname: Ghost of Kendo (G.o.K)
First name: Antoine
Age: 19
Role: Administrator of the English web site
Distribution: I'm a Linux user since summer 2006 currently under Arch Linux and openSUSE although I tested other distros such as Mandriva, Aurox (fork of Fedora), Sabayon and even OpenSolaris -based OS
What else?
I'm part of the team since June 2007, after my candidature to become newser.
I wanted to help this splendid project that is PlayOnLinux despite my limited skills in scripting.
Now, I became administrator of the English speaking part of the web site, thanks to my investments in the project. So, it seems that plans of career exist on the net too
I also love to do translations English/French and reverse (look attentively at the thanks for translation of the "Linux Distribution Chooser" )
Alternatively, I'm currently in second year of Licence of computing at the Rennes 1 university and I want to go until the Master or Engineer's School level.
You will understood it, I'm passioned by new technologies but it's not all, I've also a second passion: the unicycle! (I do trial, street and Muni for Mountain Unicycling)