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Wrong Working directory

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Aradan_d Wednesday 25 June 2014 at 1:41

Hi, I'm trying to play Hammerwatch. The installation goes perfectly. The problem is when I make the shortcuts, it sets the working directory as the Editor, so the game start in dEBUG mode. I tried to manually select the .exe from the right folder when creating the shortcut, but it still executes the DEBUG. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04

It's strange because this doesn't happen on Xubuntu 14.04.

I tried going to the Configuration and executing an exe from the Virtual drive, and that's the only way that it executes the right Hammerwatch.exe, the shortcuts only point to the editor's Hammerwatch.exe

The debug shows me this:

[06/25/14 09:39:22] - Running wine-1.6 Hammerwatch.exe (Working directory : /home/david/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Hammerwatch/drive_c/GOG Games/Hammerwatch/editor)

But I don't want the editor. Is there a way to manually edit the shortcuts? surprise





Edited by Aradan_d

xpander Sunday 29 June 2014 at 20:51

Hammerwatch is out of linux as well.. no point running it under wine imo.

Aradan_d Saturday 26 July 2014 at 15:21

Mm but it runs very slowly with the native installer :/


I found out how to change the working directory:


Go to: ~/.Playonlinux/shortcuts/

and edit the Hammerwatch file, deleting the 'editor' in the file path laugh

Edited by Aradan_d

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