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Mouse leaves the game in full screen

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StreetSign Monday 14 July 2014 at 17:15

Hey guys,

problem is when im running league of legends on fullscreen, the mouse tends to leave the screen sometimes, i have dual monitors, and sometimes the the mouse leaves the first monitor onto the next monitor.

is there any ways to fix this issue ?


Im running Ubuntu 14.04

Latest version of PlayOnLinux and running the recommended version of Wine (belive its the latest one)


Maskullking Monday 14 July 2014 at 21:48


Select your virtual drive with the game.

Go to wine tab and click on "Congfigure Wine"

Go to graphics tab and tick the box next to "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows"

This should solve your iusse.


Edited by Maskullking

StreetSign Tuesday 15 July 2014 at 0:05

That box "Automatically capture the mouse in full-screen windows" was already ticket

Maskullking Tuesday 15 July 2014 at 6:59

Huh, it shouldn't be a problem then...

Try setting Mouse warp override to "Enable" or "Force" if enable doesn't work.

This is under Miscellaneous tab in Configure.

Edit: Also I would recommend running virtual desktops for any fullscreen wine programs, as fullscreen can cause problems with multiple monitors(especially if you are running KDE.)
Although not so much if you run seperate Xservers for each monitor like my setup =P

Edited by Maskullking

StreetSign Tuesday 15 July 2014 at 8:31

Changing the Mouse warp to Enable seem to have done it,

Thank you

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