
Installer not working on World of Warcraft(WOD)

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Ryu945 Sunday 30 November 2014 at 15:41

Ever since WOD, the installer does not work.  Is there away around it so I can install the game in POL.

Ryu945 Tuesday 9 December 2014 at 14:45

I found a work around to get it to work.  I esentially installed it like normal.  After it finished bugging out.  I then deleted the WorldofWarcraft and battle.net folders.  Then I got those folders from an already working installion of Windows 7 and put them in the same place.  Finally I made a direct shortcut to Wow.exe instead of going through launcher.


I have noticed it runs slow.  From what I read, a 32 bit program on a 64 bit machine can't use any more then 2 GB of ram.  Can a installer for 64 bit program be made or what fixes do I have to do in a 64 bit drive so that it would work.

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