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Steam & Wine 1.4-rc1

Error with Sound Card

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inukaze Wednesday 4 March 2015 at 4:53

Hi there , well the thing is very simple, i use "Wine 1.4-rc1" for Play "Ragnarok International" launched from Steam

the issue is the follow , in the distros :

Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint :
Wine 1.4-rc1 : 32 Bits Work Perfectly
Wine 1.4-rc1 : 64 Bits

ArchLinux / Manjaro : The sound card are not detected , and shows me

"Wine an't retrieve a valid WinSAT assessment." : Curiously this is attributed to the GPU, not the sound card

Wine 1.4-rc1 : 32 Bits show me a debug -> 



Wine 1.4-rc1 : 64 Bits dont have sound card


Someone have a fixed version of Wine 1.4-rc1 for ArchLinux / Manjaro , for detect properly the sound card and update it , because just with this versions i can play perfectly ragnarok online from steam ???


inukaze Wednesday 4 March 2015 at 4:57

I shows the common errors i found , and how to workaround with it , in my spanish blog -> https://inukaze.wordpress.com/juegos-wine/steam-de-windows/steam-ragnarok-online-international/problemas-conocidos/

Quentin PÂRIS Wednesday 4 March 2015 at 16:07
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Steam is no longer compatible with wine 1.4

Can you try with a recent version of wine? (Let's try the latest one)

inukaze Thursday 5 March 2015 at 12:43

Look , from Wine 1.7.1X to Wine 1.7.37 i have this graphical error :



But , i SOLVED IT! :D

Basicly the Wine 1.7.2 , can work almost pefect like Wine 1.4-rc1 with Ragnarok Online from Steam

This are the instruccions


1 - Install Steam , update Steam , Install Ragnarok Update Ragnarok (i update Classic Ragnarok too)


2 - Install Wine 1.7.2


3 - In the main window of playonlinux , click in "Configure" , and in the new window select "Steam" (Virtual Drive)

and install the follows components : vcrun6 vcrun2008


4 - Now go to the Tab "Wine" and click "Configure Wine" (open winecfg)


5 - Click in the opcion "Add Aplication" and search and choise

"~/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/Ragnarok/Ragnarok.exe"


Choise "Ragnarok.exe" , and now go to the "Librery" (dlls) tab , and add the follow :



6 - Now click Apply and/or accept , and now launch Steam , and Launch Ragnarok

and now you can play with a good fps , audio sync , and looks when you wait :


Ronin DUSETTE Thursday 5 March 2015 at 17:14

If you are going to post screenshots for something like this (like a small tutorial), please make sure that your screenshots work and are sized correctly. Half of them don't work, and they are all warped. 

Post debug logs & full computer specs in first post
No private messages for general help, use the forums
Read the wiki, Report broken scripts
Quentin PÂRIS Thursday 5 March 2015 at 20:37
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

I think it is a bug from the forum

EDIT : No it is not in fact :-p


Edited by Tinou

inukaze Thursday 14 May 2015 at 21:44

The forum appear dont support correctly the screenshots nither the links to the full image the screenshot have

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