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World of Warships

memory error and mouse bug

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kodos Tuesday 15 September 2015 at 10:07


I am playing WoWS since Alpha with POL and after a lot of tests and installation I run into following problems:


using 64bit installation fullscreen: the game freeze from time to time (the whole PC not just the game) if windows is set to anything else than winxp. With winxp used I get an memory error after finishing a match (known bug since alpha, also with native windows)


32bit installation fullscreen: the same problems like above until installation of dotnet 3.5sp1. Memorey error is gone but the mouse does not work correctly any more, using a staging version of wine does not help (the mouse bug seems related to dotnet)


switching to windowed mode solves the mouse bug, but the fps re decrased to an unplayable level (5-20 from 60-70 on fullscreen with same settings).


64bit installation has better overall performace but it is not possible to play long term game sessions.

Windowed mode in 32bit seems to the best option for playing as long as everything is set to low (the get the avarage fps above 20)


as far as I know mono is already installed with POL? Is the mouse bug in fullscreen because of a conflict between mono and dotnet?

is there a different workaround for the memory error than using dotnet or is it possible to get dotnet working on a 64bit wine prefix?


petch Tuesday 15 September 2015 at 10:26



as far as I know mono is already installed with POL?

wine-mono is automatically installed in new virtual drives by Wine since 1.5.7 or so; PlayOnLinux just takes care of caching the download to optimize that.

Is the mouse bug in fullscreen because of a conflict between mono and dotnet?

The dotnet* components begin by uninstalling wine-mono if present.

is there a different workaround for the memory error than using dotnet or is it possible to get dotnet working on a 64bit wine prefix?

I think that even winetricks can only install .NET (all versions) in 32bit

kodos Wednesday 16 September 2015 at 23:54

I see.

Did some test yesterday and installing vcrun2008 and msxml6 helped. Mouse was working in fullscreen and the memory error only occured when I closed the game


And I found some additional info on the russian WoWS forum.

They write that the memory error is because WoWS need a case sensitive file system

they also recommend installing d3dx9_36, vcrun2008, corefonts, msxml6 & wininet via winetricks using a 32bit wineprefix

the developer on the russian forum suggest DirectDraw Renderer set to opengl, Offscreen-Rendering-Modus to fpo, for better performance.

Pixel Shader-Modus=enabled and Vertex Shader Mode=hardware should also help.


I haven't tested those settings yet, but will try them on a new installation tomorrow.

kodos Wednesday 23 September 2015 at 9:00

clean installation with 32bit prefix, wine 1.7.51 staging, vcrun2008, msxml6, dotnet3.5sp1, wininet, d3dx9, d3dcompiler43

DirectDraw Renderer set to opengl, Offscreen-Rendering-Modus to fpo, StrictDrawOrdering disabled


Everything worked fine yesterday, no memory error, mouse worked in fullscreen with virtual desktop, 55-75 fps.

crusty Friday 11 March 2016 at 17:54

Hi, i have a problem with wows. I cannot use 2 keys on the keyboard at the same time. I want to turn right with a or d, but i cannot go in zoom then with shift. Ho can i fix this problem?


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