
RLinkTools installation non finalisée

ntlm_auth non trouvé

Автор Replies
ptissendier Saturday 30 June 2018 at 18:02


j'essaie d'installer RLinkTools (logiciel Renault qui permet de mettre à jour l'ordinateur de bord d'une Mégane, Clio ..) 

Je fais une installation manuelle. Choix du disque virtuel 64 bits (nom : DV_RLink)

Normalement le logiciel devrait se connecter au lecteur SD, mais il ne le fait pas et le curseur de POL tourne sans fin.

Voici le log

[06/30/18 15:57:47] - Running wine- --version (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
wine-2.0.2 (Ubuntu 2.0.2-2ubuntu1)

PlayOnLinux logfile
Date: 06/30/18 15:57:46

> PlayOnLinux Version
> uname -a
  Linux ptiss 4.13.0-45-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 30 08:23:18 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
> lsb_release -a
> wine --version
  wine-2.0.2 (Ubuntu 2.0.2-2ubuntu1)
> Distribution
  Ubuntu 17.10
> glxinfo \| grep rendering
  direct rendering: Yes
> glxinfo \| grep renderer
      GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer, 
    GLX_MESA_multithread_makecurrent, GLX_MESA_query_renderer, 
Extended renderer info (GLX_MESA_query_renderer):
OpenGL renderer string: AMD RV710 (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.13.0-45-generic, LLVM 5.0.0)
> OpenGL libs (Direct rendering testing)
  check_dd_x86 missing, test skipped
  check_dd_amd64 missing, test skipped

[06/30/18 15:57:48] - This is a 64bits prefix!
[06/30/18 15:57:48] - Running wine- cmd /c echo %ProgramFiles% (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
C:\Program Files (x86)
[06/30/18 15:58:33] - Running wine- /home/pierre/Applications/InstallRLinkToolbox (1).exe (Working directory : /)
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
[06/30/18 16:02:43] - Running wine- /home/pierre/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DV_RLink/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/RLinkToolbox 3/RLinkToolbox.exe (Working directory : /home/pierre/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DV_RLink/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/RLinkToolbox 3)
[06/30/18 16:06:08] - Running wine- /home/pierre/Applications/InstallRLinkToolbox.exe (Working directory : /)
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
[06/30/18 16:24:26] - Running wine- /home/pierre/Applications/InstallRLinkToolbox.exe (Working directory : /)
err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
[06/30/18 16:46:41] - Running wine- winecfg (Working directory : /usr/share/playonlinux/python)
[06/30/18 17:20:50] - Running wine- /home/pierre/Applications/InstallRLinkToolbox.exe (Working directory : /)
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot
err:mscoree:LoadLibraryShim error reading registry key for installroot


J'ai pourtant bien installé le dernier winbind pour Ubuntu 17.10.

Pouvez vous m'aider.



Edited by ptissendier