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Playonmac has encountered an error

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distan Sunday 7 July 2019 at 11:08


When i try to open Steam through Playonmac, I get this pop-up window with following message: "

Error in main

Steam crashed.

Select its shortcut and click on "Debug" in the side panel to get more details.




I have followed this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=45&v=bg8qkKXMPKA and I have installed Wine 1.7.51.




[07/07/19 11:24:44] - Running wine-1.7.51 Steam.exe (Working directory : /Users/kristiannystad/Library/PlayOnMac/wineprefix/Steam/drive_c/Program Files/Steam)

fixme:ole:RemUnknown_QueryInterface No interface for iid {00000019-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}

fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)

fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)

fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)

fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)

fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)

fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)

fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER: unimplemented DisconnectEx

fixme:ntdll:server_ioctl_file Unsupported ioctl c8000006 (device=c800 access=0 func=1 method=2)

fixme:winsock:server_ioctl_sock Unsupported ioctl c8000006 (device=c800 access=0 func=1 method=2)

fixme:winsock:WSAIoctl unsupported WS_IOCTL cmd (_WSAIORW(IOC_WS2, 6))

fixme:module:load_library unsupported flag(s) used (flags: 0x00000800)


What do I have to do to open Steam? 

Edited by distan

Dadu042 Sunday 7 July 2019 at 13:23

Your video was released in 2015 (this is why they recommend Wine 1.7.51).


I suggest you to try our script : https://www.playonlinux.com/en/app-2167-Age_Of_Empires_II__HD.html

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