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POL featured in Wine Weekly News Issue 340

Saturday 26 January 2008 at 6:12

Play on Linux was recently featured in the Wine Project's Weekly Newsletter!
It focuses on a favorable review on the Wine Review blog. The review is pretty brief and contains a few screenshots, but mainly serves to introduce POL to a wider audience and outline its featureset.

To sum it up, POL is a promising frontend installer for Windows and Dos programs. Although there are some scripts that are outdated (POL uses Wine 0.9.37 to run MSOffice 2003, and the IE6 installation script - which uses the IE4Linux script - doesn't work properly on the current 0.9.53), the advantage of POL online repositories (and consequently an active community contributing) gives it the upper end in updating installation scripts for supported programs.


It's great to see such positive feedback from the Wine community, and hopefully this will help spur the development along. See the post below if you're interested in helping out.