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I'm trying to alter a script to use 64 bit WINE

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guises Saturday 7 March 2015 at 3:28

So I'm trying to install the 64 bit version of Unity3D, folling the instructions on this page:


In particular, that means using the script below. I've modified the script only to change the version of WINE to the most recent (per the instructions) and to comment out the WINEARCH="win32" line, which I had thought would give me the 64 bit version by default. That doesn't seem to be happening though. Could someone tell me where I'm going wrong?



# Date : (2014-03-07 10-21)
# Last revision : (2014-03-07 10-21)
# Wine version used : 1.7.21
# Distribution used to test : OpenSuse 13.1
# Authors : waneck-six, Damian-LinuxFan, Tomza (pogtoma@gmail.com), gnumaru, Doctor Jellyface (doctorjellyface@riseup.net)
# Contributors: Goran Grncaroski (running MonoDevelop), eje211 (crash fix), other people (testing solutions)
# Script licence : GPL v.2
# Only For : http://www.playonlinux.com
# Depend :

# Known Issues : You can't use Asset Store

[ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ]  exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"

TITLE="Unity 3D"


POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "Unity" "http://www.unity3d.com/" "Cauê Waneck, Damian-LinuxFan, Tomasz Zackiewicz, gnumaru, Doctor Jellyface" "$PREFIX"

#create prefix
#export WINEARCH="win32"
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Wine_PrefixCreate "$WINE_VERSION"

#setup prefix
POL_Call POL_Install_directx9
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet20
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet35
POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet40
POL_Call POL_Install_tahoma
POL_Call POL_Install_vcrun2008
POL_Call POL_Install_vcrun2010
POL_Call POL_Install_mono210
POL_Call POL_Install_d3dx9_36
POL_Call POL_Install_d3dcompiler_43
POL_Call POL_Install_dxdiag
POL_Call POL_Install_dxfullsetup
POL_Call POL_Install_physx
POL_Call POL_Install_corefonts
POL_Call POL_Install_msxml6
POL_Call POL_Install_wininet
POL_Call POL_Install_ie8

#Setting OS wer
Set_OS  "winxp" "sp3"

#Setting mono forcing in MonoDevelop
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "native, builtin" "mscore"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "builtin, native" "dnsapi"
POL_Wine_OverrideDLL "" "mscorsvw.exe"

mkdir -p $WINEPREFIX/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/LocalLow

POL_Wine reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductId /t REG_SZ /d 12345-oem-0000001-54321

POL_SetupWindow_browse "Please select the location of the Unity3D setup executable" "$TITLE"


POL_Shortcut "Unity.exe" "$TITLE"



petch Saturday 7 March 2015 at 7:17

Use POL_System_SetArch "amd64"


POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet20

POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet35

POL_Call POL_Install_dotnet40

POL_Call POL_Install_msxml6

POL_Call POL_Install_ie8

at least, do not work in 64bit virtual drives.

guises Saturday 7 March 2015 at 9:17

Ah, dang. I don't think those are optional, I guess I'm stuck with the 32 bit version then. Thanks.