algarues |
Sunday 16 November 2008 at 1:35
Dear all
I cannot get audio hardware acceleration in halo
Has anybody been able to obtain this setting working?
Could he please state his system specs, which desktop environment and which settings he used?
I am using the system wine and in that audi control panel of wine I have choosen the alsa emulator and the hardware acceleration to full.
I am using gnome and I am using the autodetect option in the sound control panel.
I have an intel HDA on board chip and audio works normally fine,
Would it make a difference if I had a normal soundcard such as sound blaster?
Thank you for your help
GNU_Raziel |
Sunday 16 November 2008 at 15:42
Many recent Linux dist use pulseaudio as soundserver now, kill it and you will have working sound.
algarues |
Monday 17 November 2008 at 16:00
Dear Raziel
Thank you for your help, however it did not work.
I uninstalled pulseaudio and the pulseaudio plugin for alsa
I also modified the alsa.conf file commenting out the pulseaudio as default sound server.
I have setup alsa in the sound control panel in gnome amd restarted the computer.
However, after starting Halo and entring the audio setup options, hardware acceleration is always dimmed out.
This happens having either wine 1.1.5 or 1.1.8 installed.
Indeed the game stutters when someone talks or some new music starts etc.
Any idea? Should I maybe install some .dll somewhere ?
Thank you anyway
algarues |
Monday 17 November 2008 at 21:09
I started playonlinux from the terminal
when I select the configure wine option I get the following error
err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winenas.drv": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
which library am I missing? I have installed
thanks for any help
algarues |
Monday 17 November 2008 at 22:50
in cedega the hardware acceleration is recognized, but unfortunately the graphics has some glitches...
GNU_Raziel |
Friday 21 November 2008 at 7:42
You miss the libasound2 library or it's not correctlly linked, check symlinks and do :
sudo updatedb
to regenerate files database and make the system checks it's libraries.
Also make sure you set Alsa as the default sound driver, not pulseaudio (just killing it is not enough) Editiert von: GNU_Raziel
algarues |
Saturday 22 November 2008 at 0:54
Thank you for your help
unfortunately also installing the missing files did not solve the problem.
I also tried with different linux distributions, but it did not solve it.
How is it possible that from cedega wine can enable the hardware acceleration for sound and not from
wine / playonlinux?
both are using the same alsa driver (i guess).
Or does cedega uses different audio drivers as far as you know?
The same thing happens either with my onboard alc885 sound chip or with my pci soundblaster compatible soundcard.
Can anybody please post his registry file if he modified it to recognize his soundcard?
I do not have pulseaudio installed, I also did a new install of my system using kde end settin the sound system to alsa.
If hardware acceleration is enabled for sound,then the game runs much much faster.
Thanks anyway
GNU_Raziel |
Saturday 22 November 2008 at 12:55
Cedega do not use wine, it's a commercial fork of an OLD wine source (before wine use GPL).
Did you check if you made Alsa the default sound driver ? (ex : gnome->sound menu)
algarues |
Saturday 22 November 2008 at 18:40
Yes, alsa is the default sound driver.
Could anybody post his registry edit, in case he modified it to put any soundcard specific settings?
GNU_Raziel |
Sunday 23 November 2008 at 2:50
Sorry but i do not make anything special and I have sound working with Halo...
I'm pretty sure your problem come from pulseaudio, it's reported as wine sound breaker in wine wiki and forum. killing the process is NOT enough (the command : pulseaudio -k), you must desactivate the deamon to avoid pulseaudio's relaunching and make alsa the default driver in gnome settings.
Check the wine forum thread for more informations Editiert von: GNU_Raziel
algarues |
Sunday 23 November 2008 at 13:20
Dear GNU_Raziel
In general I have sound working too and also in Halo, but my question is, after launching Halo, and entering the "audio setup" menu in the game,
Do you have the "hardware acceleration" setting enabled or is it dimmed out?
In my case, using wine it is dimmed out, however if you do that in cedega, the option is available and the game runs much much faster and smoothly.
However in cedega the transparencies and other graphical elements of the game are displayed uncorrectly.
So no way playing it in cedega.
I am trying to enable this setting using wine, which would improve performance, since sometimes, in the occasion of "sound events" the game stutters.
So, to restate my question better, do you think it would be possible to enable the "hardware acceleration" of sound by the Halo game through wine?
Thaks a lot for your availability anyway