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Gothic 2 The Night Of The Raven
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AttentionThis installer is a beta script. It means that it might not work as expected InformationsPlate-formes : Retours d'expérience0 0 Code source#!/bin/bash # Date : (2009-07-06 12-00) # Last revision : (2009-07-06 12-00) # Wine version used : 1.1.25 # Distribution used to test : Fedora 11 # Author : NSLW # Licence : Retail # Depend : ImageMagick, unzip [ "$PLAYONLINUX" = "" ] && exit 0 source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources" #fetching PROGRAMFILES environmental variable #PROGRAMFILES=`wine cmd /c echo "%ProgramFiles%"` #PROGRAMFILES=${PROGRAMFILES:3} PROGRAMFILES="Program Files" POL_LoadVar_PROGRAMFILES if [ "$POL_LANG" == "de" ]; then PODTYTUL="Die Nacht des Raben" elif [ "$POL_LANG" == "pl" ] then PODTYTUL="Noc kruka" else PODTYTUL="The Night Of The Raven" fi TYTUL="Gothic 2 - $PODTYTUL" PREFIX="Gothic2" WORKINGWINEVERSION="1.1.29" #procedure for patching Gothic 2 patch_gothic2() { POL_SetupWindow_browse "Select patch file" "$TYTUL" "" wine "$APP_ANSWER" POL_SetupWindow_message "Patch for $TYTUL has been installed successfully" "$TYTUL" } Get_Latest_Wine_Version() { wget http://mulx.playonlinux.com/wine/linux-i386/LIST --output-document="$REPERTOIRE/tmp/LIST" xyz=`cat "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/LIST" | sed -e 's/\.//g' | cut -d';' -f2 | sort -n | tail -n1` echo "$(echo $xyz | cut -c1-1).$(echo $xyz | cut -c2-2).$(echo $xyz | cut -c3-4)" } Change_Resolution() { cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/JoWooD/Gothic II/System" OLDX=`cat gothic.ini | grep "zVidResFullscreenX=" | cut -d"=" -f2` OLDY=`cat gothic.ini | grep "zVidResFullscreenY=" | cut -d"=" -f2` OLDBPP=`cat gothic.ini | grep "zVidResFullscreenBPP=" | cut -d"=" -f2` POL_SetupWindow_menu_list "Choose display resolution" "Display resolution" "1024x768~800x600~640x480" "~" RES="$APP_ANSWER" POL_SetupWindow_menu_list "Choose color depth" "Color depth" "32~16" "~" NEWBPP="$APP_ANSWER" NEWX=`echo $RES | cut -d"x" -f1` NEWY=`echo $RES | cut -d"x" -f2` rm gothic.ini.bak mv gothic.ini gothic.ini.bak cat gothic.ini.bak | sed -e "s/zVidResFullscreenX=$OLDX/zVidResFullscreenX=$NEWX/g" | sed -e "s/zVidResFullscreenY=$OLDY/zVidResFullscreenY=$NEWY/g" | sed -e "s/zVidResFullscreenBPP=$OLDBPP/zVidResFullscreenBPP=$NEWBPP/g" > gothic.ini } download_pulseudio() { cd "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/" if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/$WORKINGWINEVERSION-mod.zip" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_download "Downloading PulseAudio sound driver" "$TYTUL" "http://www.sigmirror.com/files/23682_vtvrr/$WORKINGWINEVERSION-mod.zip" fi cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" unzip "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/$WORKINGWINEVERSION-mod.zip" ./$WORKINGWINEVERSION-mod -y cp -f PulseAudio/* ./ } prepare_patched_WineVersion() { POL_SetupWindow_install_wine "$1" cd "$REPERTOIRE/WineVersions" POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Removing old WineVersion" "$TYTUL" rm -fr "$1-PA" POL_SetupWindow_detect_exit POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Copying WineVersion" "$TYTUL" cp -r "$1" "$1-PA" cp "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/winepulse.drv.so" "$REPERTOIRE/WineVersions/$1-PA/usr/lib/wine/winepulse.drv.so" POL_SetupWindow_detect_exit } wget http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/93/G2-NotR_cover.jpg --output-document="$REPERTOIRE/tmp/leftnotscaled.jpeg" convert "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/leftnotscaled.jpeg" -scale 150x356\! "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpeg" POL_SetupWindow_Init "" "$REPERTOIRE/tmp/left.jpeg" POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TYTUL" "Piranha Bytes" "www.gothic2.com" "NSLW" "$PREFIX" select_prefix "$REPERTOIRE/wineprefix/$PREFIX" LATESTVERSION=$(Get_Latest_Wine_Version) CHOSENWINEVERSION="$LATESTVERSION" Use_WineVersion "$CHOSENWINEVERSION" #asking about patching or updating Wine version if [ -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed/$TYTUL" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_menu "What do you want to do?" "Actions" "Patch game~Change resolution~Update Wine version to $WORKINGWINEVERSION" "~" if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Patch game" ]; then patch_gothic2 elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Change resolution" ] then Change_Resolution elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Update Wine version to $WORKINGWINEVERSION" ] then CHOSENWINEVERSION="$LATESTVERSION-PA" download_pulseudio prepare_patched_WineVersion "$LATESTVERSION" cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\Drivers]" > pa.reg echo "\"Audio\"=\"pulse\"" >> pa.reg regedit pa.reg Set_WineVersion_Assign "$CHOSENWINEVERSION" "$TYTUL" fi POL_SetupWindow_Close exit fi if [ ! -e "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed/Gothic 2" ] then POL_SetupWindow_message "Install Gothic 2 first" "$TYTUL" POL_SetupWindow_Close fi POL_SetupWindow_message "Please insert $TYTUL media into your disk drive." POL_SetupWindow_cdrom POL_SetupWindow_check_cdrom "Setup.exe" #taking icon from the game convert "$CDROM/AutoRun.ico" -geometry 32X32 "$REPERTOIRE/icones/32/$TYTUL" cd "$REPERTOIRE/ressources" if [ ! -e "gothic2_vdfs-patch.zip" ]; then POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Downloading VDFS patch..." "$TYTUL" wget http://forum.jowood.de/attachment.php?attachmentid=25660 --output-document=gothic2_vdfs-patch.zip POL_SetupWindow_detect_exit fi #adding CD-ROM as drive d: e: f: to winecfg cd "$WINEPREFIX/dosdevices" ln -s "$CDROM" g: cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" echo "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Wine\\Drives]" > cdrom.reg echo "\"g:\"=\"cdrom\"" >> cdrom.reg regedit cdrom.reg sleep 5 #starting installation POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installation in progress..." "$TYTUL" cd "$CDROM" wine "Setup.exe" POL_SetupWindow_detect_exit #asking about Pulseaudio POL_SetupWindow_question "Do you want to use PulseAudio sound driver?\nMore about this sound driver at art.ified.ca/?page_id=40" "$TYTUL" if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ]; then CHOSENWINEVERSION="$LATESTVERSION-PA" download_pulseudio prepare_patched_WineVersion "$LATESTVERSION" cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" echo "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\Drivers]" > pa.reg echo "\"Audio\"=\"pulse\"" >> pa.reg regedit pa.reg fi #applying vdfs patch POL_SetupWindow_wait_next_signal "Installing VDFS patch..." "$TYTUL" cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" unzip "$REPERTOIRE/ressources/gothic2_vdfs-patch.zip" wine gothic2_vdfs-patch.exe POL_SetupWindow_detect_exit #cleaning temp cd "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/windows/temp/" rm -rf * #making shortcut mv -f "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed/Gothic 2" "$REPERTOIRE/configurations/installed/$TYTUL" Set_WineVersion_Assign "$CHOSENWINEVERSION" "$TYTUL" POL_SetupWindow_message "$TYTUL has been installed successfully" "$TYTUL" #asking about patching POL_SetupWindow_question "Do you want to patch your game?" "$TYTUL" if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ] ;then patch_gothic2 fi #asking about resolution POL_SetupWindow_question "Every time you want to change game resolution\nyou'll have to run this script again\nDo you want to change resolution right now?" "$TYTUL" if [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "TRUE" ] ;then Change_Resolution fi POL_SetupWindow_message_image "The game will show error about VDFS\neverytime you'll try to run it\nPlease don't be bothered by that and just hit OK\nThe game will start after" "Note about resolution" "$PLAYONLINUX/themes/tango/info.png" POL_SetupWindow_message_image "Please note that this game has a copy protection system\nand sadly, it prevents Wine from running the game.\n\nPlayOnLinux will not provide any help concerning any illegal\nstuff." "Note about copy protection" "$PLAYONLINUX/themes/tango/warning.png" POL_SetupWindow_Close exit |
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