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ATI Catalyst 8.01

Dimanche 20 Janvier 2008 à 13:23

The 8.01 version of Catalyst, including the display driver for ATI video cards flgrx 8.45 was released yesterday.

This update brings:
- The official support of RedHat Enteprise Linux 5.1 and 4.6, and of Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) too.
- A display error will no longer be noticed in the lower right corner of the screen or on the mouse pointer after the system is running for a long period of time.
- Connecting a display device that supports 1680x1050 to a system running Linux will no longer result in a maximum display resolution of 1280x1024 (the only one available previously).
- Custom mode lines in xorg.conf will no longer be ignored by the fglrx driver.
- Suspending to RAM or DISK on kernels version 2.6.23 or later no longer fails.

Full and detailed release's notes are HERE.


ATI Catalyst 8.01 for x86 systems

ATI Catalyst 8.01 for x86_64 systems