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(Script) Balls of Stell (GOG)

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visitntx Zondag 31 Maart 2013 om 23:31

Hi all, I made this little script fot the GOG game Balls of Steel, an old and classic Pinball. As far as my testings went I didn't find any problem. Please report any issue regarding this script.

# Date : (2013-03-31)
# Last Revision : (2013-03-31)
# Wine version used : 1.5.10
# Distribution used to test : Debian Wheezy (Testing repositories)
# Author : VisitntX visitntx@gmail.com
# Script licence : GPL v.2
# Program licence : Retail
# Depend :
[ -z "$PLAYONLINUX" ] && exit 0
source "$PLAYONLINUX/lib/sources"
TITLE="GOG.com - Balls of Steel"
SHORTCUT_NAME="Balls of Steel"
POL_GetSetupImages "http://s20.postimg.org/ydmradhg9/top.jpg" "http://s23.postimg.org/3m11cy5tn/left.jpg" "$TITLE"
POL_SetupWindow_presentation "$TITLE" "3D Realms Entertainment / 3D Realms" "http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/$GOGID" "VisitntX" "$PREFIX"
POL_Call POL_GoG_setup "$GOGID" "25f7c0f6e2945d01609ff7c02b4d1d3d"
POL_Wine_SelectPrefix "$PREFIX"
POL_Call POL_GoG_install

# Setting up Windows OS version Emulation
Set_OS winxp
# Cleaning up by rebooting Wine
POL_Shortcut "bos.exe" "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "" "" "Game;" # "$SHORTCUT_NAME.png"
POL_Shortcut_Document "$SHORTCUT_NAME" "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$PROGRAMFILES/GOG.com/Balls of Steel/manual.pdf"



Anything to improve will be more than well recieved.

PD: thanks a lot to petch for all his great help!

Aangepast door visitntx

petch Maandag 1 April 2013 om 0:16

Looks fine!
One thing you can simplify: you can replace the lines 33 to 38 by
POL_Call POL_GoG_install

It will take care of any adjustments needed to run GOG installers (above .pdf extension association, but also install gdiplus, needed for installers v2), and then run the $POL_GoG_location installer, all by itself.
Beside simplification, the other benefit is that if their installers need some more adjustments, it only needs to be done once, in POL_GoG_install function...
petch Maandag 1 April 2013 om 0:19

After that small change, feel free to submit the script for inclusion to the official repository ("Supported softwares" link, then "New installer"; And after script sending "Request signing" for validation).
Ah, I may also need to 22x22 PNG version of the game icon for display in script lists (both in PlayOnLinux and in the website).
visitntx Maandag 1 April 2013 om 0:30

Thanks petch! Edited the code. Now, I will made the Icon and then submit it.
visitntx Maandag 1 April 2013 om 0:43

I uploaded the icon here:


Is a PNG at 22x22 of the game icon.

The script was submited by now.

Thanks for all!

Aangepast door visitntx

petch Maandag 1 April 2013 om 1:10

You forgot to ask for signing, but that's ok, I found the script and it's validated now ;)
visitntx Maandag 1 April 2013 om 1:22

Sorry 'bout that. I now know for the next time! Sorry!

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