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how make modification on a script.

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paikeam Vrijdag 23 Augustus 2013 om 16:30

hi everyone !
I'm on a fedora 19 64bits with KDE4, my version of POL is 4.2.1.

I've installed the game of world of tanks by the installer in the library, now i would like to make an other for the server test of the game, to do that i need to find the original script and make some modifications.

sorry for my bad english, yours.
petch Vrijdag 23 Augustus 2013 om 18:29

paikeam Vrijdag 23 Augustus 2013 om 19:32

ok thx !

But now wine doesn't recognize the file WoT_internet_install_ct.exe, how can i make the link and rename it without extesion ?

paikeam Zaterdag 24 Augustus 2013 om 9:10


In fact the link for the server test install doesn't downloaded the file, i've downloaded it manualy and copy to the repertory, now it works for installation !