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CD not found while installing Office 2007

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mgogando Zondag 4 Mei 2014 om 1:15

Hello, I was trying to install Office 2007 with PlayOnLinux and when I have to specify the location of the .exe file the program says that the CD is not found. First of all I'd like to know if having an .iso image is the only way to install. I have in my laptop Ubuntu 14.10, PlayOnLinux 4.2.2, wine 1.6, and an gnome desktop. Sorry about not telling something about my configuration; I've read about how to explain new topics, but I don't know what to tell about this in concrete. Thanks!

petch Zondag 4 Mei 2014 om 8:42

Disk images are [b]not[/b] supported, read (again) the site terms: