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Need help with steam

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ayushsinha Maandag 4 Augustus 2014 om 15:50

Whenever I try to run it I get the error:

Steam.exe(main exception) to run Steam, you must connect to the internet.

I have tried deleting every clientregistry.blob and also tried deleting every file except steam.exe(couldn't find steamapps).

It still doesn't work.

Thank you

Yes I am connected to the internet and everything is working

Aangepast door ayushsinha

Quentin PÂRIS Maandag 4 Augustus 2014 om 16:33
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

What wine version are you using?

ayushsinha Maandag 4 Augustus 2014 om 18:13


Quentin PÂRIS Maandag 4 Augustus 2014 om 19:02
Quentin PÂRISAnonymous

Should be fixed. Try to reinstall steam


ayushsinha Maandag 4 Augustus 2014 om 19:29

hmm it works now, when i reinstalled earlier it didn't work

Thank you