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Console not working in Skyrim

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jhazrun Maandag 23 November 2015 om 15:22

I am running xubuntu 14.10, latest version of playonlinux, and Skyrim is working beautifully, except for the fact that the console is not working. On windows it is bound to the '§' key, but pressing it here gives me nothing. I would love to be able to use the console, it is useful for if you're stuck or just for having fun

leoworm Woensdag 9 December 2015 om 15:58

Are you sure you are pressing the right button? On US keyboards pressing ` (tilde) works perfectly for me.

chocoelho Woensdag 9 December 2015 om 20:37

Same thing happens here. I'm using Portuguese(Brazil) keyboard. Still trying to find a way to open the console.

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