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How to try unapproved updates fromt the website?

Auteur Antwoorden
stroy Zondag 11 Juni\ 2017 om 20:33

I am trying to install world of warships in linux mint 18.

However, when I open the program and it tries to download the .exe file, it fails, because the publisher had changed the URL for exe files.

I go on the playonlinux website, find World of Warships in supported software, and saw that a member had provided an update which has not yet been approved by the team. I clicked "try this update" button, but nothing happens. What do I do?

I am using firefox.

stroy Zondag 11 Juni\ 2017 om 20:34

PS I have followed the instructions here : https://www.playonlinux.com/en/topic-10662-PlayOnLinux_Need_Help_with_qprotocol_playonlinux_isnt_associatedq.html

and it still doesnt work.