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Request: Wine-Staging 3.5

Auteur Antwoorden
telanus Woensdag 28 Februari 2018 om 9:33

With Wine dropping staging after Wine 3.0 there is now a community friven puch to create a community staging version. https://github.com/wine-staging/wine-staging


Wonder if it will be possible to get this added to PoL's buildbot

telanus Dinsdag 6 Maart 2018 om 7:20

There is now an "official release" of 3.3-staging: https://github.com/wine-staging/wine-staging/releases/tag/v3.3

byakas Woensdag 4 April 2018 om 10:28

3.5-staging now rdy. add it to POL please!

Dadu042 Maandag 20 Mei 2019 om 9:52


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