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Phoenix idea : P2P or IPFS ?

Auteur Antwoorden
Lachu Maandag 24 September 2018 om 15:39

What about hosting scripts in interplanetary filesystem (IPFS)? Interplanetary filesystem acts as git repo and torent system, so files are downloading in great speed, etc. It alslo will work even the server downtime. It also don't use http, so downloading is faster again.

plata Maandag 24 September 2018 om 18:35

Please open an issue on GitHub for suggestions like this: https://github.com/PhoenicisOrg/phoenicis/issues (it's just easier to track for us).


Regarding the suggestion itself: the scripts can currently be hosted in git/on your local drive/a Java classpath. If you want to give it a try, check the existing classes in https://github.com/PhoenicisOrg/phoenicis/tree/master/phoenicis-repository/src/main/java/org/phoenicis/repository/location. If the IPFS access can be handled in such a class, I don't see a problem adding this as additional repository option.

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