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Environment Variable and Java 1.8

System and User Variables

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giobaxx Dinsdag 30 April 2019 om 9:39

We are try to install a old software but as dependency we have to installa also Java Run Time 1.8. It was not easy but we were able to install Java but i think we miss the Enviroment Variable because the Application don't see Java.

If we run java -version within the java folder using dos command prompt inside playonlinux it works perferctly, but if i run out oth this folder it does not find java, and if i run wine java -version i receive an error wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\java.exe"


i tried to add manually to the registry  running wine regedit, but nothing works. There is a way to set this java variable on playonlinux?


Tanks A.

giobaxx Dinsdag 30 April 2019 om 12:03

I've made some step forward, I added the Path of Java to the Path Variables and now java is visible system wide

Dadu042 Woensdag 1 Mei 2019 om 17:31

I don't know how to help you but I think that giving the POL version used, and perhaps the software name may help other users to answer.

Aangepast door Dadu042