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Apps install, run from inside POM, but not from outside.POM icons

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StanleyKrute Donderdag 27 Mei 2021 om 20:24

OS: macOS 10.11.6

POM: 4.3.3

I've installed POM, and manually installed three apps: Irfanview, Notepad++, and Photoshop. Wine is configured for Win7.

All run when I launch them from the icons inside POM.

For each, I've then used POM's 'Create a shortcut' command to make an outside.POM icon. 

When I launch them from those outside.POM icons, they begin to start up, but as soon as the icon shows up in the Dock, it vanishes, and the app has quit. 

Any clues on how to debug ?  Any obvious.to.others settings I need to implement ??


-- stan

StanleyKrute Donderdag 27 Mei 2021 om 20:57

Aha !!  Found a workaround. There may be others.

Gotta go help a client. Details forthcoming on the workaround.